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NOV/DEC 2011 Latest News News Archive

29th December 2011: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City SDL Released

Here's a new 3 level shareware mod from Keith Krueger. It's 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City SDL'. Virtually all graphics, sounds and music have been changed and the mod has a cartoon type feel. There are some nude sprites in the strip club. Both SDL and Dos exes are included. Available here. Vista/Windows-compatible.

26th December 2011: More News 'bout WolfGL-3D

Idot tells me that the upcoming WolfGL - 3D is not fully ready yet. So the site is now a bit updated, but not by the fully functional patch (really sorry), but by a kind of preview-patch here which allows you to see the new model. It also requires the Luger-patch with new weapon models.

25th December 2011: Wolfenstein Goodies Christmas 2011 Docs Updates

Matt has copied over documents like the Wolf 3D hint book (With permission from John Romero), Wolf 3D manual, Spear manual, Castle Wolfenstein manual, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein manual, Wolf 3D console games manuals, Wolf 3D hint sheet, and others here. If you have a file of one of the manuals not listed, then contact him and he’ll put it up. The Spear of Destiny Super CD’s hint books will be uploaded next year.

24th December 2011: News 'bout WolfGL-3D

Here's one more teaser pic - a Ghost model - from the upcoming WolfGL - 3D. It was sent in by Idot. The new version is expected on 25th December 2011.

19th December 2011: Steam Holiday Sale until Jan 20, 2012

Steampowered.com is having a Holiday sale here for The Spear of Destiny, Wolfenstein 3D, Return To Castle Wolfenstein, ID Complete Pack, ID Super Pack, Wolf Pack, and other games or bundle purchases. The ID Complete Pack (Which does not include The Wolfenstein 2009 game) is $44.99 compared to $269.76.

17th December 2011: Dean's Wolf 3D Blog Updated

Dean's Wolf 3D Blog has been updated. The latest review is of 10 New Ones by Thomas Weiling.

It's at Dean's Wolf 3D Blog.

13th December 2011: Ghosts Special add-on Released

December 2011. As a Christmas treat to all fans of the A Doll's House and Ghosts games Paal Olstad presents Ghosts Special add-on. It is based on the Ghosts Special mapping kit with two changed images. All files are included and the game runs without the mapping-kit. Available here.

11th December 2011: Weirdness Initial Release

Moddb has an initial release of a new wolf3d mod. It is called Weirdness and is being developed by eksy. There are no new levels yet. It's a Newwolf mod and a rather large download (approx. 28Mb). Quite bizarre. Available here.

29th November 2011: Megaman: Legends Mod Released

Here's the main mod in a series of Megaman Legends shareware mods from Keith Krueger. As with the others in the series, there are 5 levels of a fair size. Virtually all graphics and some sounds have been changed and the mod has a cartoon type feel. Both SDL and Dos exes are included. Available here - Megaman: Legends. Vista/Windows-compatible.

28th November 2011: News about WolfGL-3D

Idot has sent in some teaser screens for his upcoming new version of WolfGL-3D. The new version is expected by Christmas, but some features (like the 3D model of weapons) is available from WolfGL-3D. The download is at WolfGL-3D Download.

26th November 2011: 2 Megaman Legends Mods Released

Here's the first 2 in a series of Megaman Legends shareware mods. They are from Keith Krueger. Both have 5 levels of a fair size. Virtually all graphics and some sounds have been changed and the mods have a cartoon type feel. The 2 mods are very similar to each other though the size of the player in the 'Dark' mod is smaller than in 'Angel'. Both SDL and Dos exes are included. Available here - Megaman: Angel and Megaman: Dark. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

19th November 2011: End of Destiny SDL Beta Version Released

KyleRTCW has released a beta SDL version of AReyeP/MCS Amsterdam's 'End of Destiny'. There's a text file included which gives a lot of info on the conversion. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

9th November 2011: Wolfing Time Mod Review

Zombie_Plan has posted quite a good review of 'The DieHard Wolfers TC’.

You can find it at Wolfing Time.

7th November 2011: Dome Award - November 2011

The November 2011 Dome award goes to AReyeP for 'Spear Resurrection: 10th Anniversary Edition SDL'. It is a very good example of high quality mapping and an all round mod. Credit also goes to ack who contributed 2 of the levels, Andy Nonymous for the conversion to SDL, and MCS Amsterdam for the original coding. For more info on this set, please see Add-ons - Awarded.

5th November 2011: Wolf 3D Deathmatch Alpha

You can read about and download The Wolf 3D Deathmatch Alpha in Russian, translated to English, or at The Wolf3D Haven. Thanks to Akuul for finding this.

1st November 2011: HalloWolf SDL Demo Released

The Incredible Pete has released a 2 level demo called HalloWolf SDL. It has a cartoon type feel. Virtually everything is new, including the music, and the first level with its city streets type scenario is especially effective. The coding was done by Andy Nonymous. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

1st November 2011: Spear Resurrection: 10th Anniversary Edition SDL Released

AReyeP has released Spear Resurrection: 10th Anniversary Edition SDL. It has all new levels, 2 being contributed by ack. There are a few modifications: Landmines are only in specific outdoor areas. Death Artefacts are very rare. All secret pushwalls are marked in some fashion by an odd object or a picture on a wall. Bosses are tougher on the harder skill levels and level names are displayed when starting a level. The conversion to SDL was done by Andy Nonymous. Original coding was by MCS Amsterdam. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Latest News News Archive

Guns And Glory 2 by Little Cherub

Castle Hollehammer by James Shain & Karharis

Planet J by NexJay Studios

The Final Fight 2 by James Shain

Trail Of Schabbs by WLHack

Wolfenstein Forever by Barry Christian

Kenny 2 by Secret Agent Jonathon

Kenny 3 by Secret Agent Jonathon

Secret Agent Jonathon by Secret Agent Jonathon

Hunt For The Desert Fox by WLHack

Medal Of Honor Airborne by PicNic

Elsas-Lothingren by Lozer_42

Dark Castlestein 3D by Gary Acord & Matt Stath

SonderKommando Revolt by Doomjedi(

SoD Mappack by Valts(

The Mutant Uprising by Team Aardwolf

Kill Him 3 by PicNic

Revenge! by PicNic

Urban Warfare by Shadow

Battlezone 1.5 by jka

F.A.D.E.D. by Ryan de Haast

Operation: Arctic Wolf by Luke Strauman

Monster Bash 3-D by Ryan Steinbruner (

Helvete by ChiefRebelAngel(

SBlaster 3D by Johannes Unser (

Amohs Awamuras by JackaL

Kreml 3D by Martin Krysiak, Dugtrio17, Zach Higgins (




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©2001-2003 Brian Lowe. This site does not deal with nor support Nazism, Neo-Nazism or any other racial discrimination group. Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and related items are © 1992 iD Software, Inc. All other noted products are property of their respective owners. Content may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the maintainers. Best viewed at 800x600+ resolution with Internet Explorer 5.5+. Design, Layout, HTML re-arranging + New Graphics © 2003 The Dome.