Name: Norberto Ariel Castañares

Nickname: Arielus

Age: 21

Location: Claypole, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Occupation: Student at the University of Buenos Aires


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

I think it was somewhere back in 1993.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I don't really remember what I was looking for, but I came across something called "Spear Resurrection" while using Google. That certainly drew my attention, and the first thing I relate that title to was Spear of Destiny. Apart from investigating what this "Spear Resurrection" actually was, I found that a huge group of Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny fans from all over the world had formed a mega community, and shared their passion for these games by making things called add-ons (which is exactly what "Spear Resurrection" ended up being). I then thought: "I wanna be part of it!".


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I don't really know whether I'm proud of something in the community. Pride is just a huge word! I'd say I'm just happy with the contributions I've made to it. What am I least proud of? Don't know either. I sometimes don't like certain people; what they write in the forums drives me sick.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Wisdom? Ha ha ha! From a 20 years old? Nah... I'm nobody to give no piece of advice...


Name: Alexandre Brosseau

Nickname: DemolitionDerby or Wolf3DMaster

Age: 15

Location: Quebec, Canada

Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? About 5 years ago

How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? I think it's in 1999

What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? I dunno...

Any words of wisdom for the readers? DONT ASK ME FOR DO GRAPHICS OR MAPS . BUT FOR THE CODING, IT'S OK.


Name: Jack Ryerson

Nickname: Adhesive_Boy aka mrlard2000man aka Various_Obscenities (I guess...)

Age: 15

Location: Central Ohio

Occupation: student (duh...)


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

I got the full version of the game with my first computer probably around 1993 or 1994 (most likely Christmas 1993), with a bunch of other demo versions of Apogee games. I was addicted to Commander Keen first, but it took me awhile to figure out how to play Wolf without getting dizzy. After that, me and my brother played it a lot and we'd invite friends over to play it a whole bunch. We'd usually only play episodes 1, 3, and 5, though, because the levels were shorter and I guess less "freaky". It took me a little bit to get into Episode 2, but I loved it once I did. However, I never really much played #4 and #6.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I discovered the Wolf through Mr. Lowe's page at about 1999, made a couple of crappier levels, and forgot about it for awhile. Finally, after awhile, I joined the Wolf3D Fanclub somewhere about 2000. And then, I got banned and rejoined, made one of those clubs (just because everyone was doing it), took over the Wolf3D Vault and then since abandoned it (sorta, anyway), made a site, and made an add-on. Then I stopped coming as often...


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Getting banned from the Wolf3D Fanclub. But it wasn't that big of a deal, anyway, even though I made it out to be (hell, Kenny and Brent were getting banned left and right). And never really updating the Vault - Barry did a really good job with it, even though he really lacked personality, and I felt really bad to just take it off. Thankfully, I kept some stuff,

The only thing I'm really proud of is Chemical Warfare. It took me forever, and while there still are some bad bugs (tons of errors with moving guards, features that were never implemented, and one really really bad error that I never paid any attention to until it was too late), it really took me forever to do those levels, and for the most part I am proud of them. I guess I was never satisfied with the response I got - it felt like, after all was said and done, that was it. Considering the fact that I spent a whole year (on and off) doing it, it was kind of a let down. But it was my first add-on, so I guess I can't expect a parade... heh...


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

When in doubt, ask Chris Chokan. It worked for me.


Name: The Master of Wolfenstein 3-D and all FPS's

Nickname: none

Age: 666

Location: Here.

Occupation: Professional Lamer


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

I don't really remember exactly when, it was a very long time ago. Possibly when it was first released or a year or two after.

How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I have a membership? Where's my card? Do I get any benefits? Wait.... are there dues???!?! DAMMIT.

What in the community are you most proud of?

And of what the least? Not really very proud of anything in particular.

Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Wise man say, man who smoke pot might choke on handle.


Name: Zach Higgins

Nickname: uh... Zach

Age: 15

Location: MO, USA

Occupation: High School student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

In 1992 my grandpa had picked up a shareware disc of Wolfenstein 3D and when I visited his house he'd let me play it and other games to keep me busy.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

LOL... I was reading an issue of GamePro and it had an article on the upcoming Return to Castle Wolfenstein and I remembered the original Wolf and had an urge to play it. So I looked it up on the internet and discovered Mr. Lowe's Wolfenstein 3D Page. I soon discovered that people were actually creating their own versions of Wolf3D. So I played a few such as Totengraeber and The Final Solution and said "Man I gotta do that!" So I figured out FloEdit and started posting in the Die Hard Wolfers yahoo club and before long I released Projekt Vertilgung.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Most proud of: Projekt Vertilgung. Least proud of: The abundance of idiots.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Don't be an idiot.

Name: Martin

Nickname: Krycha, The Eagle

Age: nearly 14

Location: Wroclaw, Poland

Occupation: Student ;(


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

It was about 1994... I remember my dad was playing "new game". So after one hour of looking how this game looks, I said the words that I will remember to the end of my life. It was nothing more than "Can I Play Daddy?"... And so it started...

How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? In 2001 I saw some old disks lying near my computer. I looked up there, and Wolf + MapEdit 4.1. was there. Also Wolfedit and other utilities. I said "this might be cool. I always wanted to make a game!". Later, I surfed at Net and downloaded my 1st TC Project Totengraeber. And then... well. You know it!

What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Of my site (under... reconstruction, let's say.), of my 1st add-on. The least? Of messages that I posted without thinking.

Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Dopefish 4ever. Hyperspace Delivery Boy rules.

Name: Ryan Stroup

Nickname: StroupDog

Age: 18

Location: MO, USA

Occupation: HS student (senior)


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

Long time ago, like later 1993 or early 1994. A friend of my uncles made a copy for us kids (this was before I knew about piracy, although I'm sure my uncle and his friend knew all about it) and that was the 1.1 full version. So in 1995 when their computer crashed and the HD got wiped out, when I went to reinstall Wolf3d, I found the disk was blank!!! So we ordered Wolf3d out of some catalogue, but it turned out to be the shareware version. No wonder those letters were green. A year later another friend of my uncle made another copy for us and that was the 1.4 full version. Eventually though I bought it on my own (in 2003).


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Well it pretty much started when I visited Nayt's source code site and BJ Rowan's Wolf3d Bunker in the spring of 1999. That led me to the Wolf3d FanClub on Yahoo (the really good one). But then for some bizarre reason, it got deleted. After that there were alot of Wolf3d fanclubs that never turned out to well until Diehard Wolfers came around, the Wolf3d fanclub had been resurrected.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I really proud of the progress alot of the Wolf fans have made over the last 4 or 5 years, specifically with add-ons, TC's, and all the source code tutorials. They've all worked hard to make all this accessible to the public. If it weren't for all these good hearted, die hard wolfers, the Wolf3d Community wouldn't be what it is today, it might not even exist.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

It's pretty darn easy if you know what you're doing!

Name: Ryan King

Nickname: bLoB

Age: 14

Location: Dallas, TX

Occupation: Student/Computers


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

When I was 4 years old, my dad downloaded the Wolfenstein 3d Demo. Right then I was hooked. Then on my 5th b-day, I got the game. I played it one episode after the other.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I got lazy. Just kidding. Seriously though, I couldn't find a good all-in-one editor for Doom, so while searching for one, I found Floedit. So I made many levels until I found the Wolf3d Community. After playing a few TC's, I made my own. Thus Counter-Wolf was born.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I'm proud of the coding, though I suck at it. The least would have to be graphics. Most aren't par or even sub-par. People use too much paint. Though many like "Spear-Resurrection", "Counter-Wolf (joking)" have good graphics, which is what I like.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

For graphics, use Flash (which I accidentally deleted >_<) It adds a OpenGL shadow by itself which helps. I know flash isn't a graphics tool, but I like it.

Name: Sockdude

Nickname: Sockdude


Location: Wolfenstein Community

Occupation: Addons Creator


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? 5 years ago, my cousin got Wolf3d, I thought "That was a cool game". Now, 5 years later, I'm making TCs and Addons for it!


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? When I first found the Dome forums. When they shut down, I decided I wanted to be on a Wolf3d forum. Now I'm on the Diehard Wolfers and Wolfercollage.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? I'm most proud that I finally joined the Wolf Commuinity! The least would have to be people that spam the forums.


Any words of wisdom for the readers? Never use the deltree command in DOS unless you know how.

Name: Arturo Caronongan

Nickname: wolf3dbreaker

Age: 13

Location: Manila Philippines

Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

One day, when I was about 10, my parents gave me alot of computer games for christmas. I first played commander keen and it seemed well. Then I switched into to the so-called Wolfenstein 3D game. I tried it on, and it seems great! up to now, it is still my favorite game. I seem to be a big fan of it.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I was in google.com searching for anything wolfenstein related when I came upon huge editoring lists. It said that I could make my own game out of wolfenstein3D. So I started making TC's. addons, etc.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I am glad that I am not the only person who likes the old game wolfenstein 3D.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

If you want any help for a TC made, I can do the coding and maps BUT DO NOT ASK ME TO DO THE GRAPHICS,SOUNDS OR THE MUSIC!

Name: Matt

Nickname: Majik Monkee

Age: Old enough to know better, but...

Location: Misery (oops...Missouri!)

Occupation: Systems Administrator somewhere


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

In 1994, during my first Sophomore year in college, while wasting lots of time in my buddy's dorm room, I discovered the demo for Wolf3D. He'd said in the game you controlled a gun barrel and go around shooting guys. I thought, "That sounds...um...stupid!", and envisioned a side scrolling game where you were a floating pistol. Thankfully, that's not what it was about, or there would probably not be a Wolf3D community, and if there was, I sure as heck wouldn't join it. So after an absence of several years, my computer has become outdated and crappy, and won't run newer programs, so here I am again! Don't get me wrong, though...I love Wolf3D and probably always will!


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I was looking for info and add-ons for Wolf when I first realized I wanted to start playing it again. The first resource I stumbled across was Mr. Lowe's Wolfenstein homepage, followed by AReyeP's Spear Resurrection page. After I realized all the mods and add ons that were out there, and what a large following Wolf3D still had, I was hooked. It's like playing endless sequels to a game I love, and not having to pay for them...(well, you pay when you play the crappy ones, but that's not always avoidable!)


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I'm most proud of folks who design original TC's that deliver either great gameplay or something truly original (that isn't crappy original). I'm least proud of those bums who visit the forums simply to start $#!+. You know who you are...


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Play Wolf3D all the time, but give it a rest when you go to college. Trust me...it will steal all your time. Oh, yeah...and when you are in college, don't sacrifice grades and achievement for women. After all, women come and go, but the student loans for those extra years of school you wind up putting yourself through will last forever... :(

Name: Wes Louis Desjardins

Nickname: Hon Fu

Age: 16

Location: Canada

Occupation: Computer Nerd/Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

My cousin had the demo of SOD when i was 8 so i played it and my dad bought me the full SOD a couple of years later.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I made my first add-on 'Sword Of Light' and my famous 'Wolfenstein 2'

(AKA : Wolfenstein Resurrection). And people liked it.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I'm proud of all the people taking their time making add-on's for this sweet old game.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Never eat Schneider's packed foods.

Name: David Wettlaufer

Nickname: Deus Ex Machina

Age: 16

Location: Canada

Occupation: Artist


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

ummm.....well i just did my add-ons 'Davestein 3d' and 'Davestein : SKinheads are Shitheads'.My friend Wes helped me out.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I don't have a ID card. I have a membership for the YMCA.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?



Any words of wisdom for the readers?



P.S : Fish

Name: Barbara

Nickname: wolfie3dfan

Age: 3+8=11 in cat years

Location: Three Crosses NM

Occupation: House/staff supervisor for two developmentally disabled consumers.


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

Early in 1994, I returned to March AFB, CA after being at Hickham AFB, HI and to pass the time until the next TDY, I decided to check out a game one of the Sgts put on the Quadra 700 Mac's. It was the Wolfenstein3d demo I believe. It was the first time I ever played a fps game.

What I recall most from that game was seeing little Hitler trying to mow me down at the end. I still have a copy of that game on a Iomega 90MB Bernoulli disk.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

In 1998, my brother gave me a game called Quake. I was hooked and started to think that this game reminded me of another game I used to play. I racked my brain and a few years later recalled Wolfenstein3d. I mentioned it to my brother but didn't really come out and ask him if he had it. To make a long story short, on my 3+7th birthday in 2002, my little bro gave me a present of the full version of Wolfenstein3d. He had the disks for years along with Spear of Destiny.

Anyway, I then did the Google search and found Brian's News and links to the world of wolfers.


What in the community are you most proud of? I'm most proud of how smart and talented the people in this community are.

And of what the least? I'm not proud of being coding/graphics challenged.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

"Keep learning, learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever, enjoy the simple things, laugh often, long and loud, surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity" - George Carlin.


Nickname: Raistlin

Age: 14 (and a half!!!)

Location: SO.A.

Occupation: Student!!!!


When did you first get in touch with wolfenstein:

When I was visiting my cousins around 4 years ago, they were playing the game.


How did you come to a membership of the wolf3d community:

Well, when I first started playing it, I thought it stood to reason that there'd be something on the net about it, so I searched it, and found the Dome!!!! After that, I joined Die Hard Wolfers.


What in the community are you most proud of? and what of the least?

Most proud of Gotterdammerung. Least proud of NOTHING!!!!!


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Yeah......Don't give up modding!!!

Name : Paul Stone

Nickname : El Paulo Diablo

Age : 14

Location : Queensland, Australia

Occupation : Student


When did you get in touch with Wolfenstein? Years and years ago! I was a big fan of all the other Apogee games, and this is one of the best!


How did it come to a membership in the Wolf community? Not too long ago, I decided to get into modding, and after finding out how flexible Wolfenstein was, I was hooked!


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? The best is definitely the coding. Some people (MCS for one) have done some stunning stuff to the dusty old Wolf code, and I admire them greatly for that. The worst thing is probably either some of the graphics, or the stories. People don't really understand how important a good plot is, and how much it enriches a game.


Words of Wisdom : Quality over quantity. One good mod is better than 50 crap ones.

Name: Kurt

Nickname: ack

Age: Has been changing yearly since 1966

Location: Winnipeg, Canada

Occupation: Writer


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

Pretty much from the very beginning back in the early 1990's. I walked into the stats lab at college one day to hear a bunch of Nazi death screams (which I assumed meant that we were out of coffee). Everybody was crowded around one of the computers while one guy played the game. After years of playing text-only and side scrolling games (usually on monochrome monitors), I was utterly blown away by what I was witnessing. Needless to say, most of us forked over the $30 to buy the three missions immediately (and later bought the nocturnal missions as well). Stop to think about it, I believe that almost all of us failed stats that semester - lol. Of course, it wasn't long until Bill Kirby and MapEdit/WolfEdit came along - life has never been the same.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Before the net, I was a frequent visitor and contributor to various BBS's around the world dealing with Wolf & SOD. Practically every weekend was spent with my phone line tied up downloading levels. Man. times have changed! Brian Lowe's web page was the first site on Wolf that I found on the net. That lead me to the Dome and then I stumbled across Spear Resurrection (and became immediately addicted). Then, through AReyeP's site, I found the DHWF.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Most proud? Seeing people learn how to code, work with sounds, graphics, and developing the necessary logic that it takes to make a truly good map. I like seeing how people are working together to create some truly phenomenal projects. I have always loved the original Wolf3D/SOD and always will, but it is an absolute rush seeing new life being blown into an old game.

Least proud? People who 'borrow' other people's work (especially maps) without permission.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

F8, F8, F8. Seriously? Life has a tendency to go full circle. When I was young, I learned everything that I know about Wolf3D/SOD from people that were older than me. Now that I am old (well. older), I find that I am learning not from my elders, but rather from all the kids who have taken up this classic game.

Name: Clayton Anthony Robinson

Nickname: Joe, Jefferey, Glen ... Anything but Clay

Age: 15

Location: U.S.A.

Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

When did I get in touch..? Wow, that was so long ago. All I remember is my father playing some 'new game' he had freshly downloaded off of the net, many years ago. When he wasn't using his computer, I was busy shooting Nazi's. =p


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

As normally happens, whenever I'm enjoying something on his computer, my father erases it, so this game became lost to me for several years. I'm not sure what I may have been doing, but somehow I came across Flo's site. The name 'Wolfenstein 3-D' was popping up everywhere, and memories came back. I searched the web, found iD's site, and bought Wolf's registered version. Then, went back and downloaded FloEdit. Some time later, again, my files were erased, and I lost the link to Flo's site. I ran a search for it, and the Dome popped up. I checked it out, and I've been with it since.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I'm proud of the powerful Wolf Names, like Martin, AReyeP, Alex, and W.S.J., just to name a few.

However, I resent them for their ability to put add-on's out, whilst I struggle trying to make maps, and keep a working code. What I'm saying is,"I'm disappointed in myself."


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Don't tell someone what you're going to do, just do it. -- I should respect my own words.

Name: Roger

Nickname: The "R" Man, the Great Wasabi

Age: 16

Location: Victoria, B.C. Canada

Occupation: Senior High Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

One of my friends owned the shareware version of Wolfenstein 3D. he once said "Hey! Come over and check this game out! The guys say 'Mein Leben' when ya kill 'em!" So I did. I beat the shareware episode about 400 times before I managed to get my hands on the full version, which I also beat 400 times. I loved the game, but I lost touch with it when it got old. I recently got back into modding. I love plenty of other good old shooters like DOOM, Rise of the Triad, Quake and Duke Nukem 3D (and lots of Apogee and id Software's other fun arcade games like Commander Keen, Major Stryker and Duke Nukem II), but Wolfenstein and Spear of Destiny will always hold a special place in my heart. (How corny. ^_^)


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Why not? It's great to be part of a place where people value a video game for it's flexibility and fun, rather than spoiling their retinas on flashy graphics that spawn poor gameplay. These guys are great to turn to for help in Wolf3D modding.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

What people have done with Wolfenstein is absolutely amazing. Some of the game plots are lame, but who really cares? The game was never about plot! It was about fun!


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Keep the sunshine out of your eyes and think for yourself. In other words, looking at the sun is bad for you.

Name: Jacob Rodgers

Nickname: The J.R.

Age: 12

Location: Iowa, USA

Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

At 5 years old. I lost it until just last year. Now I'm making my own versions :)


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I loved downloading addons becuase I never pictured people like this.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

1 word. Addons. Most of the time are fun. The least, uh... nothin'.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

It's not that hard to make an addon. Seriously. Just get FloEdit 2 and learn to use it ;) You can make a brilliant addon in... weeks :D

Name: David O'Rafferty

Nickname: Raff

Age: 15

Location: Victoria, Australia

Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

In 2002 I was reading a computer game magazine and it said Wolfenstein 3d was the grand daddy of FPS, so I searched the web and found the shareware version of Wolf3d and FloEdit.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Well having gotten sick of GTA 3 and waiting for GTA vice city I made my second add on Grand Theft Auto 3. My brother said it was crap so I looked for someone to send it in to and I found the Dome.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Well the fact that everyone works to gather like a community, and there's nothing that I'm not proud of.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Be original with your add ons and don't get hit by a car.

Name: Dave


Age: 15

Location: Pawcatuck, Connecticut

Occupation: Addons Creator


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

I was just a kid in elementary school, I was home on the BBS one day, connected to PC-Exec (where the family was all the time until the BBS died) and looked at the section where Apogee was, and this is the file right here that got me hooked:

1WOLF14.ZIP 736KB 05-05-1992 Wolf3D Shareware

So I downloaded it and played it, it was great. Then when SOD came out, I downloaded it and played it, it was great also. Then me and my bro ordered it and played it all the time (that is until the disk went bad) and then when the 3.5 disks died and CD took over, we ordered it on CD.


How did it come to be a membership of the Wolf Community?

I searched for addons years later and found Mr. Lowe's Wolf3d Page. (I was quiet all this time!)


What in the community are you most proud of? And what of the least?

Most proud of: being a teen (haha). Least proud of: complete dorks.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?


Name: Johnathan De Lanzo

Nickname: Johnathan , Galak Fyyar , Zyroth , Gideon , Gid

Age: 17

Location: New Jersey

Occupation: Store Stocker , Student ( Hudson County School of Technology High School )


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

I first got in touch with wolfenstein when i was 4 years old. My dad had wolfenstein on a Floppy disk and he used to play and I used to watch him. I used to like scream things out like HEY DAD LOOK OUT!!! Hey, maybe there's something you missed etc etc. So when I turned 5 I started playing. I played since I was 10. ( I'm Not putting years cause I can't remember exactly, I think. I was 4 in 1992 but I never knew here were addons till I did a search for wolfenstein 3d pics. cause I wanted to make a website.. and all of a sudden I noticed so many wolf sites and addons I was amazed. I found the Wolfen Dome and saw all the addons. It was cool , ( sorry if I bored you reading this ).


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I contacted Brian Lowe cause I wanted to be a part of the team, and I made maps for a year now before I contacted Brian. So, I contacted Brian and sent him my first maps ever made I wanted to make my own addons and so here I am.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Hmm, I am definately most proud of how everything was put together and so many people have joined the wolf community. Least proud of: Nothing that i know of.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Well i can sure say this. Floedit ... <-- Very helpful for mapping. Your TC can look really good but if the maps aren't done right, the TC won't be great. Good Mapping is also the way to making a good TC.

Name: Max Wood

Nickname: Woody

Age: 14

Location: Alberta, Canada

Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

2 years ago.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Simply on an online search.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Creativity of the different TCs. There is nothing I don't like.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Go through life one day at a time.

Name: David Walker

Nickname(s): Tetraarchangel (now Dark Maverick)

Age: 17

Location: Las Vegas

Occupation: College Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

Around 1992, near where it first came out. (Always wondered who Hans Grosse was for over six years! LOL)


How did it come to a membership in the Wolf community?

I thought that since Wolfenstein has been around for almost ten years, I thought that I could find a full version of Wolfenstein. Instead, I got a program called "Spear Resurrection". I went to the website that Areyep posted on the game. I then got into playing other WolfTCs, and then before long, I became a member of the community.


What in the community are you most proud of? The least?

Most: Making TCs

Least: None really


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Never stick 30 SS, 45 Officers, 30 Guards, 20 Mutants, and 10 Dogs and a Hitler into one big room. It's just not fun, and people keep disappearing.

Name- Alexandre Kochenborger Duarte

Nick Name- Mario Maniac

Age- 13

Location- Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Occupation- Student


-When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

I think is around 1996, with all six episodes.


-How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Well, I really like of Wolf, but I was sick of playing always the same levels from the six episodes. One day, I have search about the Wolf3d in Google and I found add-ons with new levels and storys, so I playing somes. Later I have found the Mapedit 4.2 and I tryed to make my own add-on. I was check too the Colonel Bill's web-site and there a announce of FloEdit at Wolfnode. I have sacrifice to connect the game in the first time, because my Wolf version are not compatible with Flo. So I have downloaded the version 1.4 and start my first add-on with 59 levels.


-What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I was really impressive with the source code used in many different add-ons, turn it a new atmosphere to the Wolf Community and gave funny to the players. The least is thinks what have nothing like of Wolf.


-Any words of wisdom for the readers?

If your game have designed levels, don't worry about the rest.

Name: Eduardo Kochenborger Duarte

Nickname: Mega Luigi

Age: 09

Location: Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Occupation: Student


-When did you first get in touch with wolfenstein?

It was around 1996. I acquired when I played for the first time at the house of my neighbor. After that, I began to play.


-How did it come to a membership of the Wolfenstein Community?

Well, after completing all 6 episodes, I went www.google.com.br, and I researched on Wolfenstein. I found many add-ons, I was surprised. I made download of many add-ons from Wolfenstein 3d Dome (Outstanding Web-site) and I was lot of inspiration to create my own add-on. I owe everything to Project Eisenritter. The best add-on of the story of Wolfenstein.


-What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Well, which me more I am proud, it is of the add-ons contribution for the kingdom of Wolfenstein. Now, what leaves me furious, it is the badly done add-ons.


-Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Never create a drawn add-on that demoralizes Wolfenstein.

Name: Ricardo V/d Galien

Nickname:The killer

Age: 27

Location: Netherlands

Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? I don't know any more.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? I just love Wolf games.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? The add-ons and more things.


Any words of wisdom for the readers? ...

Name: Joel Corrigan

Nickname: The Xarkon

DOB: 19th December 1989

Location: South Australia

Occupation: High School Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? I think it was about 1999 or 2000 or something! Me mate John Okaner introduced it to me and said: "HEY EAT THIS!" and passed me a compressed disk with wolf and spear on it!

How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? Looking for people to talk to about wolf and I found diehardwolfers.areyep.com, the Wolfenstein Dome and BJ Rowan's WOLF 3D Bunker.

What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? Uhhh.... being able to talk to poeople in a big community of dudes about something cool Im proud of, and not proud of... uhhh... SPAM!!! Damn it unto it's death! CURSE YOU SPAMMERS!!! DAMN-IT!!!

Any words of wisdom for the readers? TRYING IS THE FIRST STEP TO FAILURE!!!

Name: Justin

Nickname: Juiceman

Age: 13 (almost 14)

Location: Canada

Occupation: School


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? Well, in around 1994 or 1995, my dad bought this super Spear Of Destiny pack, including all three episodes and map booklets. I would sit beside him as he played and tell him where to go with the maps. Then in about 1998 or 1999, I found out that there was an original Wolf 3D game. I looked forever trying to find a copy. I eventually found it and played for days on end!


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? Surfing through Wolf 3D pages until I found the Wolfenstein 3D Dome. I was hooked. I check it every day!


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? I'm really not sure, ummmmmmmmmmmmm...


Any words of wisdom for the readers? Don't do drugs, smoking is bad for you and Wolf3d rocks!!!!!!





Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? I am the brother of Justin ( Juiceman ) It all started about 1995 when my Dad brought home Spear of Destiny. My brother immediately fell in love with it. ( he would read the maps and tell my dad where to go ). Meanwhile, I never gave it a chance. l Then (about 6 years later) saw him editing the graphics and thought it was pretty cool. I then tried it out and that was it.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? My bro then showed me the site where he found out how to do it. (www.wolfenstein3d.co.uk )


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? I'm proud of my first TC called 'Star Wars' ( p.s i never got to send it in cause my computer crashed ) And I am least proud of my brother.


Any words of wisdom for the readers? Well, I'm not really wise but..... I once had a goldfish named Bob and he was cool. He was all gold except for the tips of his fins, which were black. I named him Bob cause I was 4 and i didn't know any better. He was so cute. Anyway when I took him home I put him in the fish bowl. My Mom said only to give him one sprinkle every mealtime. After about a week of staring at it swim around the tank I got bored of him ,so I fed it to my dog. The moral of the story is don't get fish you will get bored of it and feed it to your dog. (P.S if you don't have a dog you will probably feed it to one of your siblings.)


Name: Joshua Aaron Waight

Nickname: Thunderlord Jemanie Davidsson

Age: 15 (turning 16 on 4/18/04)

Location: Sonora, California

Occupation: High school student


When I got in touch with with Wolfenstein? When I was 4.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf community? It was my favorite game to play,but wanting new stuff in Wolfenstein, I looked for conversions. I downloaded and played Spear Resurrection and loved the new stuff. Spear Resurrection inspired me to make my own Wolf3d conversions.


What in the community am I most proud of? Areyep's conversions, they're the best ones out there.


What in the community am I least proud of? The Thing conversion, it's not as good as it should've been.


My words of Wisdom? Chase your dreams until you achieve them and keep on Wolfing.

Name: John

Nickname: Rocketboy680, or just Rocketboy

Age: Old enough

Location: CA

Occupation: It depends


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

A long time ago, all I had was a Mac. I didn't play it much unless I was playing Catacombs (a really cool RPG game) while my brother would play Wolfenstein, Wolf Edit, Dirt Bike, Space Junkie, and Marathon 2. I really liked watching him play Marathon 2, and then I made my first level in Wolfenstein 3D. It was just a bad set up that was supposed to look like a scene from Frankenstein. I always wanted to make graphics, but I really wanted to do that. Then my computer crashed so all I had were Share Ware Wolf, Duke Nukem Demo, and Dirt Bike. I later got a Windows and kind of abandoned the Mac. I completely forgot about Wolfenstein.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Well, a long time after all that happened, I bought a game called Jazz Jackrabbit 2: Holiday Hare. I had to get the full version, though, it was that fun. Anyway, I got the full version for Christmas 2 years later. I played it until I beat it. I found a web page in the instruction booklet called www.godgames.com and instantly went to it. It had a picture of Duke Nukem under the Games Section and clicked it. It took me to the 3drealms home page. There I found under a list, 'Wolfenstein 3D' and remembered how much fun that little game used to be. Then I saw screen shots and thought, 'Something's different.' Anyway, the page had links and I found Wolfendoom. I looked around until I found the Dome (And got the shareware of Shadow Warrior! If anyone has the enemy and weapon graphics, send me a link at Rocketboy680@aol.com ! I'll pay you back later!)


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Most: The great games such as Batman, Spear Resurrection, Area 51, Halls of Stonehenge, etc.

Least: Many things. Games that are exact replicas of other ones (It's fine if it's a sequel, but you know when it's not!), when gore is overused (I don't mean it's bad to have gore, just when it's every wall, sprite, and object in the game!), WHEN PEOPLE COPY MY IDEAS (Someone copied one of my characters, but I never really exploited it, so he gets the credit on that one.), and when people take all the character sprites from a game but the death and make a really horrible death graphic.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

For one: Don't rush level design. That is a very important part of your project! For two: don't get big headed. You'll lose a lot of things that way. For three: Always have a backup disk handy. All my computers crashed at least once! For four: I don't have any experience, but I think a person shouldn't rush into coding on their first project. Just my opinion. And for five: always give your friends an opportunity at the editing.

Name: Julius von Brunk

Nickname: Baron

Age: 20

Location: Lancaster, PA

Occupation: Scientist


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? I first heard about it when I was nine years old, but I played it every day from ages 10-11.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? I found the Wolfenstein dome after searching for pages about modding Wolf3D. I've been trying to make a modded version of this game since I was 11, and now, I'm going to make a full version thanks to help from this page.


What in the community are you most proud of? The detailed help.


And of what the least? Haven't found anything yet relating to that question.


Any words of wisdom for the readers? Modding Wolf3D can be annoying and tricky, but in the end, you'll be proud of what you can create.


Name: Thomas

Nickname: Possum Trot

Age: 14

Location: Somewhere in Jutland

Occupation: Wolfenstein playing


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

It was in 1999. A cold, boring October Sunday. Our computer was a Windows 95. In 1997 we got a CD-rom computer. Late out? Well anyway.. I was always sitting by the computer, usually to make my own sounds - to mix files together.

I played PacMan '95, if you know what it is, but something else I found. The shareware version of Wolf3d. It was very very funny I thought. I was in second grade at that time and had never tried it before. I only could reach to level 4 before I died. The night I played it after going to bed I forgot all about it.

I did change school - skipped third grade. I was in the 4th grade now and the school had a little club. They too had Shareware Wolf3d, and I finally reached all levels. I saw a boy play it, and he came to a mysterious level - Level 10. I hadn't tried it before - but now I was happy. But with the elevator jump I hoped for a level 11, but no :(

THEN in 2002 I had wondered about the game. Finally we found a download page, and did get the full version. That was heaven. After, I could remember all the secrets, where the guards stand, the music and all the other stuff - it was boring. In summer 2003, I searched on Google.


How did it came to a membership of Wolf Community?

As I said, I searched on Google - and found a strange picture with Wolf but new walls and stuff. It was called Wolfenken - on RKS' page. I downloaded a game called Blake Wolf. And since then - it was my life. Now I have tried about 250 games, and it is cool. 50 or something are won. Totengraeber, specially I won 5 times or something cause it's so cool. But after the RKS page, I came to a link to the Dome. It was heaven. Now there was no bullshit about downloading - just click - you got it. I played and played and came to many awesome games - Chemical Warfare, Wolfenken, Skevos-Jones' games, and the copy Sandy and all the other. I couldn't play anymore. The last game I downloaded with digitized sounds and my last "Game" was Sensenmann from Mäx. Scary, gross but cool anyway. If I could, those graphics - your page will be Mäxed up! In June '04 I lost interest.

22nd of August 2004, and I had internet on my own computer - an XP! The first not-98 in our house. But I couldn't hear music and some sounds, and on the 12th of September I couldn't even play it! Duh.. but I play it now though without music and digitized sounds on my brothers computer. I announced KTG on a bad time - that's why it was cancelled. The day after my comp couldn't play DOS stuff. I could see, but now I'm blind. :( - Abandon is announced, easier to make. KTG was supposed to be a TC.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Don't know what least means, but I am proud of that we are now in 2004, but many of you cool guys still have the interest for the computers youth games. All these addons - good work!


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Yeah, don't buy an XP when you love DOS - naah, my computer isn't bad! It's just not DOS-made.

Name: Elric Sullivan

Nickname: Darkhaven3, Haven, Havoc

Age: 13

Location: New Orleans, LA

Occupation: Making Wolfenstein maps


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

I think it was around '94, after Wolf was already 3 years old. I was just 3 by then, so I didn't care what looked better in a game, as long as it played good, and it kind of stuck with me up until now.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

***SHAMELESS WAREZ HIJACKING*** When I was 6 I did a search for the full version of Wolfenstein, and I happened to come across this site. So you can say, this is the first Wolfenstein3D site I ever visited, and I owe this site alot of my mapping skill and my 1337 code-editing skillz.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I am most definitely proud of my Torment series, which proves that even an 8-year-old kid can make some really good Wolfenstein mods with little to no knowledge about how to do it. That is, leading up until Torment VI, which sucked total ass.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Yeah. Don't think you can masturbate into a bunch of .WL6's and call it good enough to release. Spend time on each of your maps, and use your common sense. Does Blue Brick really fit well in a wall of Gray Stone? Does a whole room made completely out of Gray Eagles really look that good? Should I make a 64x64 room made completely out of Gray Brick with nothing in it?


Name: Jonathan Snyder

Nickname: Lucky Foot

Age: 20

Location: Pennsylvania, USA

Occupation: Student, Freelance Author


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

I found it two years ago on the Terminal Velocity CD in the shareware folders.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Well, I was looking around the web for different information on it and I stumbled across this site. I found out you could make Add-ons so I started.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I'm proud of all the help I get for some of the stupidest questions I ask. I can find nothing here that I am proud of the least. :)


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

"Never assume the room is empty."

Name: Andy

Nickname: Andy Nonymous, AndyKeet, Wolf3DMan

Age: Somewhere between Boomer and GenXer

Location: New Jersey, USA

Occupation: Wolfenstein mod collector


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

After I bought my first computer in early 1995, my friend George introduced me to his DOS games, the most impressive being Wolfenstein 3-D. What he really had was the shareware patch "Barneystein" with some alternate levels on a floppy disk he bought at a computer show. I thought it was the actual game, and couldn't fathom what George meant by "it was changed from the original". Until I saw the original - then I was blown away by the concept of "modding" and tried to download as many mods as I could find on CompuServe and ftp sites.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Using Wolfedit and some batch and QuickBasic programming, plus a lot of trial and error, I made a few "copyright infringement" mods with the shareware and demos of Blake Stone, Corridor 7, and Operation Body Count (hence my wish to stay 'Nonymous!). I guess I became a member when I found Mr. Lowe's Wolfenstein web site in late 1998 and shot Brian an e-mail about my Blake Stone graphics patch in early 1999.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

The people who contribute their time, energy, and money to create and maintain our community, plus the many others who share their knowledge, create tools and add-ons, and are just plain fun to "be around", as much as is possible over the Internet. Least? Nothing, really.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Acceptance, Patience, Perserverance, Faith, Humility, Forgiveness, don't take yourself too seriously, and always make backups of your data!

Name: Reece

Nickname: Osiris


Location: NT

Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

When I was three, my dad got a computer and got Wolf3d with it. I used to watch him play it. Then a map editor came out. My mum made maps for it. One day she asked me if I wanted to play one of her maps. So that's how it started.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

In the year 2000, I asked to get a map editor for Wolf3d and Spear Of Destiny. My dad found Floedit. Then I got bored of it and deleted it. So in 2004, I searched for Floedit and got it. I thought maybe other people had made maps for Wolf. So I searched for add-ons and found this site.


What in the community are you most proud of?

I am proud of all the great add-ons that people have made. Keep up all that good work.


And of what the least?

People using other people's graphics, sounds and code-changes without permission of the owner.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Use FloEdit II, it's great! I used it to make Revenge.


Name: John

Nickname: KRiTTeR

Age: 14

Location: Wisconsin

Occupation: Making RPGs basically and Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? When I was about 4 or 5 my dad installed it. But I never got to play it(I think).


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? I was searching Wolfenstein 3D on Google and this was one of the first things that appeared.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

What I like the most is the many things to download. And what I like the least is the tutorial on "Setting up the compiler" some of the things on there I don't get and I wish it had some pictures.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Don't do ILLEGAL emulation.If you want a way to do it legal either upload the game that you own, or go to http://www.consoleclassix.com.

Name: Ronny

Nickname: RoNsTaR

Age: 23

Location: Mannheim, Germany

Occupation: Sales, Fragmeister ;)


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

Oh, I think it was back in '93, I've seen it at a friends house, when my parents were visiting him and I played it the whole evening then. Was my first egoshooter-experience ever and I think there is no other game, like Wolf3D today. Oh, and it was quite funny, cuz of the silly quotes of the guards, hehehehe.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I found the site in November '99, when I was looking for some Wolf3D related stuff on google.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I'm very proud of the many mods and TCs, that are still available for that old game, what I'm not so proud of is the lack of a good Windows Port :-/


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Mein Leben!

Name: Ling Yan Li

Nickname: The Hacker

Age: 15 (turning 16 in July)

Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Occupation: Grade 9 High School Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? I first played it around 2000. I enjoyed the shareware version, Then in 2001, I downloaded the full version & I loved the game.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? I found the site in 2004. I decided to start creating add-ons around April 2005. I've been downloading Wolf3D mods ever since June 2002.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? I love Wolf Skevos-Jones TCs, even his brother Ian's. So I decided to make some of my add-ons using WSJ's Music, sounds, & graphics. I enjoyed the TCs that are the best. Then around June 2005, I then released my first add-on with 60 levels. I'm really proud of all the TCs, but I'm not that proud of bugs in source code tutorials and TCs.


Any words of wisdom for the readers? MapEdit 8.4 is the best tool for making levels, It's awesome! I use MapEdit 8.4 to make my Wolfenstein TCs.

Name: Bennett

Nickname: Born4battle

Age: 15

Location: MO, USA

Occupation: HS student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

Played mac version at friends house, then looked it up.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Got a free copy that came with RTCW GOTY.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Most: how many ways it is possible to change it (many source code changes, and some still being made,) and how there is still a thriving community for this game after 14 years of it being released.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Play Castle Mörder, Codename: purple blood, and emulate a mac so you can play the mac version, it is very well done.

Name: Reinder S de Vries

Nickname: lwmxynedtodth

Age: currently 17

Location: The Netherlands, the little cold and rainy country in Europe

Occupation: Student, will finish school this year, after that, I'm going to study Game Design.


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

Somewhat two years ago. I found it on the web, but I heard of course about it before. I tried to change some things with FloEdit, but didn't understand much of it. May 2006 I tried again, and with success. The idea of modding Wolf3D came into my mind and I tried to do some code changes and stuff like that. I really liked it, and since then I'm addicted :)


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

I first started on this page, The Wolfenstein 3D Dome. I tried some tutorials, but got stuck in a short time. In the links section and via Chaos-Software I found the DHW Forums. Before that I emailed with Ripper, but I saw that the forum was much faster and contained very much information. I registered on the forums and started posting.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I'm most proud of the excellent code changes there have been developed in the last few years. Wolf3D is a great game, but all these changes make it even better. I like to program new things, like the way of thinking, so all this stuff to add to my code is really cool, I like to do it. I'm the least proud of, ehm, the way all information is stored. All info about the game, tutorials, graphics and everything related is just spreaded over the web. I'd like to see one page containing all information. That's why I am creating WGraph, a database for Wolfenstein graphics.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Uh, don't try to pronounce my nickname. You just can't.

Name: William Wagner

Nickname: Miles the Cy-Fox

Age: 17

Location: Northwest Ohio

Occupation: Network Security Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? - It was in 2001. Mentioned on an old demo CD that had Blake Stone on it.

How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? - I liked what was going on with the Wolfenstein modifications and decided to embrace the Wolf culture

What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? - End of Destiny. And what is there not to be proud of?

Any words of wisdom for the readers? - DO NOT CHEAT. CHEATING IS LAME! You can do it on any difficulty level, all you need to do is think tactics.

SWAT Time.

Name: Jimmy Cozad

Nickname: Transgrosse

Age: 27

Location: Near Ft Myers Fl USA

Occupation: Computer Tech


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? In 1996 I played the mac shareware version at school and a fellow classmate and Best friend Jared Robb told me here try the pc version. We had pc's also in class so I tried it and I was hooked like pringles - once you pop you just can't stop.

How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? Wolf 3d is my all time favorite game and still is.

What in the community are you most proud of? Wolf 3d Dome.

And of what the least? The ones that put the game designers at fault for the violence of today.

Any words of wisdom for the readers? For those who choose to violate copyright laws here's a word of wisdom from a shadow warrior called Lo Wang who said "you have no honor".

Name: Zach Rosemore

Nickname: Zdude

Age: 15

Location: MN, USA

Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? A few years ago when reading about it in the Doom Construction Kit. I thought that I ought to give it a try. Now it and Spear of Destiny are my favorite games.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? My obsession with the game, and playing AReyeP and MCS’s Spear Resurrection and Spear End of Destiny.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? My favorite part of the community is the Dome (Very nice site by the way!). Least favorite, don’t have one.


Any words of wisdom for the readers? Don’t slack off in school, it sucks. Don't cheat either, the game loses its fun then.

Name: Jonathon Boutilier

Nickname: Secret Agent Jonathon

 Age: 13

 Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

 Occupation: Mod design, student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

When I played Duke Nukem: Time to Kill when I was 7, I loved playing it. Then my dad came across Doom when I was 8. Doom became my favorite FPS game. Then I typed up Doom on my computer, and I came across Wolfenstein 3D. I tried playing it and I think I got about 78095 on Episode 3. I loved killing Hitler the most!


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Because I thought I would like to share my add-ons that I would make for Wolfenstein 3D.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Everything. I don't like anything the least.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

DON'T CHEAT! It sucks and it ruins your fun too. Stay in school and don't slack off in it either. And Floedit is probably the best program to edit Wolfenstein games with.

Name: Gerard Watson

Nickname: AlumiuN

Age: 16

Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Occupation: Student, Agnosticene (not really an occupation)


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

Probably when I found the floppy disks floating round in a cardboard box filled with old DOS games. It had Spear of Destiny and Lost Episode 3 with it as well.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

The need for coding tutorials (which, ironically, taught me C) and the want to produce (and play) quality mods.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

I'm most proud of DieHard Wolfers (so I can call myself a DieHard) and least proud of DHW's vulnerability to Spambots.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

If you can, use MapEdit to make your mods. And join DieHard Wolfers. :)

Name: Alvin Nguyen



Location: California, U.S.A

Occupation: Student...


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

Well, when I was 6 I was going home with my dad from my grandma's we came across a thrown away computer and he decided to take it home and fix it up. Just a few days after he showed me Wolf 3D. As soon as I started playing it it became fun to me. Then, I checked the high scores and saw a score about maybe 778900, I think. I tried to beat it I played it almost every day trying to beat that score, oh, it also had all 6 episodes, as I played and played the game got better and better, but I never beat it. Then somewhere when I was 7 the keyboard jammed and I never got to boot the computer up which meant, no more Wolf 3D.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

When I was in 4th grade I decided to use the computer and search for Wolf 3D, and came across AReyeP and MCS' page. A few days later after finding the site I went to the Links section and stumbled across the dome. Now I visit it almost everyday on my own computer.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

What I'm proud of is most of the people taking their time on making their add-ons. What I'm least proud of is some of the people who make crappy add-ons and don't take their time.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Ummm... no.

Name: Allan



Location: USA



When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? When i was a little lad.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? When i got the idea to make my own wolf3d tc.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? I have no idea.


Any words of wisdom for the readers? Be ready for my wolf3d mods :)

Name: T.A. Hill

Nickname: Terminator

Age: 13

Location: N/A

Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein? When i was 3, played it along with Doom, Duke Nukem, etc.

How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community? Email to the Dome.

What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least? Nothing yet, i am soon to have my own Wolf3d mod, i just need some one to help edit the code for me.

Any words of wisdom for the readers? Stay on the look out for my mods, my email is helltrooper@hotmail.com.

Name: Alex

Nickname: The Silver Fox

Age: 25 (was in 2010)

Location: Russia

Occupation: Programmer


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

At 11 years old, when I got my first computer.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

When I created my own mod.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Oh, I don't know.


Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Don't cheat.

Name: Hellblazer

Nickname: Hell

Age: 15

Location: The Netherlands

Occupation: Student


When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

When my dad played it when i was 8.


How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

Just found this site and thought i would like to join.


What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?



Any words of wisdom for the readers?

Cheaters can't win.



Want to add your profile? Please answer the questions below.


Wolfer Profile








When did you first get in touch with Wolfenstein?

How did it come to a membership of the Wolf Community?

What in the community are you most proud of? And of what the least?

Any words of wisdom for the readers?


Contact Brian