About The Wolf3D Dome The Wolfenstein 3-D Dome hasn't always been like this. Before this, there were 2 separate sites; Mr. Lowe's Homepage and Parafriction's Coding Homepage. Mr. Lowe's homepage, the biggest of the two, was a large add-ons archive for Wolfenstein maintained by Brian. The main content comes from that site. Started in 1999, the site soon grew out to the most-visited Wolfenstein site on the web. Parafriction's Coding Homepage had various tutorials for the Wolfenstein source code. This site was started in Fall 2000, and grew out to be the first Source Code Homepage for Wolfenstein (not counting Brandon's Source Code Help page which was just a helper on the setup of the code). Kept alive by constant redesigns, this site got visited heavily in the last period of its existence.It was back in February 2001 that Parafriction and Brian started talking about a new website. At first we were going to use a combination of 'Mr. Lowe's Wolf 3D Page' and Parafriction's 'Source Code Page'. At that time it wasn't to be called 'The Dome', but 'High Command'.After various e-mails and telephone conversations, the idea arose to have one large Wolfenstein site. The ideas for it were quite clear in our mind; it's just that we didn't have the time. A few months and several title page designs later we both decided that we'd like something more professional and by June 'The Dome' was born. This first version had a dark red background and was still mostly made up of material from our original sites. Later on, the red background became blue and many more sections were added. Parafriction also added many new effects, including 'Flash'. And although some of the pages still had material from our existing sites, most of the content was by now totally original. During the last few months there's been a lot of fine tuning done by both Parafriction and I. It's been a long time coming, but now 'The Dome' is finally here.


To all colleagues who helped us stay in the game and those who kept on believing in us. The founders of the Wolfenstein world [ID Software], who helped us all to enjoy computing in a different fashion. We know that you are now exploring new paths and we hope that you may find what you are searching for. Our families, friends and foes for giving us the strength to continue where others gave up. All those people who play Wolfenstein without shame and for all the laughter, congratulations, constructive comments etc. All those buyers of Wolfenstein/Spear of Destiny - the companies out there need you ofcourse to survive. Even if you have never visited a forum or signed a guestbook , you ARE a very important part of our existence, please always remember that! Big up .... to all of you. Brian Lowe & Parafriction Wolfenstein 3D Dome Management Brian Lowe and Parafriction Maintainers of the Wolfenstein 3-D Dome

©2001-2003 Brian Lowe. This site does not deal with nor support Nazism, Neo-Nazism or any other racial discrimination group. Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and related items are © 1992 iD Software, Inc. All other noted products are property of their respective owners. Content may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the maintainers. Best viewed at 800x600+ resolution with Internet Explorer 5.5+. Design, Layout, HTML re-arranging + New Graphics © 2003 The Dome.