::: SOUNDS :::



Monkee's Image World
The 'Other Stuff' section of this cool site not only has a wide range of graphics material but some sounds packs too. See in particular, the Cyber Errol Sound Pack and Ian's Sound Pack. It's here.


Other Stuff
This page from AReyeP and MCS' Wolfenstein 3D Site has a number of goodies, including 'Voice samples for Wolf modding' and 'Music Files for use in Wolfenstein modding'. Available here.


Revenge Weapons, Other Items, and Sounds Pack
Here's a set of weapons, plus some other items and sounds, used by Osiris in his recently released 'Revenge' addon. They have now been made available for general use but please give credit for anything that is used. Available here.


WAV File For Wolf3D Mods (1)
Joe M has sent in a wav file for general use in Wolf3D mods. It is a gun sound. Joe would like to share this wav file with Wolf3D fans to use in their own projects but asks that they give him credit if they use it. Available here.


WAV File For Wolf3D Mods (2)
Joe M has sent in a second wav file for general use in Wolf3D mods. It is another gun sound. Joe asks that credit is given if used. Available here.


WAV Files Released
Nanaki has made available a series of sound wav files of guards dying, to give to the public. Just a simple scream, but they have a floor slamming sound when the guards hit the floor. Please give Nanaki credit if you use them. You can find them here.


Wolf3D Enemy (Survival Mix)
Here's an mp3, mixed by Bart Klepka, and is called 'Wolf3D Enemy (Survival Mix)'. 'Enemy Around The Corner' is featured, along with some WW2 recordings of Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech and the BBC's announcment of Hitler's death. Available here. (2.97Mb)



 ::: MUSIC :::


Complete Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny MIDIs
Here is a complete collection of Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny tracks in MIDI format. There's a .txt file in the archive that explains where they came from. They were sent in by brainstewx. Available here.


Doom Music Compiled
Jimmy Cozad has compiled new Doom music. There are 3 tracks e1m1, e1m8 and e1m9. These are not synthesizer mixed but all real fender stratocaster double neck guitar and Tama Starclassic Bubinga drum kit. Available here. Also available are 6 remixes from Doom 2, Wolf and Doom. Available here.


The IMF Exchange
A DHW Forum thread. Has a large number of IMF's. Available here.


IMF Music Pack
Here's an IMF music pack that Reactor made. There are 100 IMF tunes, all of them without a flaw. They are ideal for music replacement in Wolfenstein3D mods. Available here. (909Kb)


IMF Tunes
Tricob has sent in a set of several tunes that he's put together in IMF form that won't make it into the public release of his TC. He is releasing them to the public for use in their own TC's. Text file included. Available at New Tunes.


Joshua Waight Remixes
Here is the first MP3 made by Joshua Waight. It's a remix of Pounding Headache from Wolfenstein 3D and it's called Graveyard Wolves. This will be the first of many remixes Joshua will be doing.

You can get it here: Graveyard Wolves.


Keen's Music Page
Commander Keen has a music page. It features IMF's and midi's from Doom, Doom 2, RoTT and Wolf 3D projects. There are several Doom 2 midi's. It's at Keen's Music Page.


Mac Midi Files
Born4battle and Phroggy have extracted the music from the Wolfenstein 3d mac version 1st encounter into midi's. Available here.

There's further info from Phroggy here.


Mac Wolf 3rd Encounter Music
A fine collection of music from Mac Wolf's '3rd Encounter'. It also includes the first level music from 'Barney'. The collection was sent in by Born4battle. Available here. (8.43Mb)


Mac Wolf 3rd Encounter Music
Andy Nonymous has released another set of tunes from 'Mac Wolf 3rd Encounter'. The tunes listed correspond to those in the Wolfmacmusic2.zip released above but have been done in a different way. The sound quality is fairly good and most files have been cut at the end loop point. Available here. (approx 9Mb)


Mac Wolfenstein Midi Files
Andy Nonymous has sent in a zip containing the 4 remaining Mac Wolfenstein midis. They are Doom, Rocked, Grunge and Original. Available here.

The first three midis were in the Phroggy's collection, released May 13, 2006, and it's still available here.


Midi Collection
Shane put together this large collection of midi's. Many of them are for Wolf3D, but some are for ROTT, Hexen, DOOM and other games. Available here. (5.87Mb)



Midi File
Richard Kelly has sent in a midi file of 'The SS Gonna Get You'. Richard used IMF2MIDI to transfer the file to Midi format and then used Anvil Studio to fix the volume controls and get the Trumpet and Tuba channels to sound right. Available here.



Midi Files
Juan J. Alva-Guerra has made available 2 new midi's. One is from Wolfenstein 3D episodes 1 and 4 levels 4 and 8 titled Suspense. The other is a reworked version of Putting It To The Enemy from Spear of Destiny level 17. Juan is also working on another Wolf 3d track called 'Going After Hitler' and this one is about 10% complete.



Midi Pack
Reactor has released a set of 30 midi's for general use in Wolfenstein 3d addons. They are good quality and there are a wide range of tempos and styles. Please give credit to Reactor if you use them. You can download the set here.


MP3's (1)
Here are 3 more mp3's, extracted from midi's. They were sent in by Jimmy Cozad:
More will be released later.


MP3's (2)
Here are several more mp3's, extracted from midi's, that were sent in by Jimmy Cozad:
More will be released later.


The Mutant Uprising Music Pack
James Shain has put together a collection of music that is to be used in the upcoming mod 'The Mutant Uprising'. It's available here.


OL Midi Pack
Here is a new OL midi pack from Majik Monkee that contains the original midi scores of the Final Fantasy tunes used in OL, OMS, and OMS2. The ones from the last midi pack are contained in this one, along with several new ones from OMS2. There is a text document included. Download them here.



Only One Survices Updated
Tricob has updated his tune "Only One Survives" to support AlumiuN's Sound Manager. The update now has MP3, OGG, and IMF versions included. The playback was recorded using Timidity, and uses the Fluid3 soundfont installed, in order to make the instruments sound more realistic. The changes to the Midi file were done by the Ubuntu-based software called "Rosegarden". The documentation now comes in RTF and MS Word forms. Available here.


Paco's Midi Collection
Here's a collection of 15 midi's that Paco sent in. It is called 'Lemmings Music'. Available here.


SNES Wolf3D Music Tracks
Ken O'Brien has re-recorded some of the Wolf3D music from SNES. They are now available in mp2 format for a smaller size:

Evil Incarnate

Funky Colonel Bill

Mission Briefing

Nazi Rap

The SS Gonna Get You

Tiptoeing Around

Ultimate Conquest

More will be released later.


SNES Wolf3D Music Tracks 2
Ken O'Brien has re-recorded some more of the Wolf3D music from SNES. They are available in mp2 format:

Funk You

Get Them

Zero Hour

More will be released later.


Wolf3D Midi Pack 1
Juan J. Alva-Guerra has sent in a pack of Wolf 3D midi's. They include 'Going after Hitler', 'Nazi Rap' and (my favourite) 'Lurking'. Available here.


Wolf3D Midi Pack 2
Here's a second set of Wolf 3D midi's that Juan J. Alva-Guerra has sent in. This set includes 'Hitler Waltz', 'Jazzin' Them Nazis', a new version of 'Lurking' and 'Pounding Headache'. Available here.


Wolf3D Music Chart
Andrew has sent in a music chart for helping to change the music using Floedit. It lists the music numbers and where they are used. There are 4 songs in the list not allocated at present. It's available here.


Wolf3D Music Collection Part 1
Here's a set of Wolf3D tunes in mp3 format. They were sent in by Jimmy Cozad:
Evil Incarnate
Funky Colonel Bill
Get Them
March To War
Nazi Rap
Nazi Theme
Part 2 of this collection is listed below.


Wolf3D Music Collection Part 2
Here's the second part of a set of Wolf3D tunes in mp3 format. They were sent in by Jimmy Cozad:
Prisoner Of War
Tiptoein' Around
Ultimate 2
Zero Hour
Jimmy tells me that Tiptoein' Around comes from 'Brandon's Wolf 3D Page'.


Wolf3D Music Site
Jeffrey Valancy has started his own site and plans to put up music for several games. The first section is for Wolf3D and thus far there are 16 remixes available, including 2 versions of 'Lurking'. The site is at Game Music Extravaganza. (Downloads not always available as permitted bandwidth is often exceeded).


Wolfenstein3 RPG Soundtrack
Joshua Waight has made available the music from his upcoming set 'Wolfenstein RPG'. There are 16 tunes and they are in midi form. Available here. (38.2Kb)


Wolfenstein3D Music Collection
Jimmy Cozad has put together a large collection of wolfenstein music including mac 3d, pc, snes, rtcw, atari and jag. Included in the compilation is the nazi theme and 2 redos that Jimmy did. Available here. (40Mb)


Wolfenstein 3D OST
Here's a collection of tunes from the Wolfenstein 3d soundtrack. They are in mp3 format with a bitrate of 320. There are 27 tunes and were sent in by Mr. Gerolf. Available here. (62Mb)


Wolfenstein Music - Mac Version
Born4battle has sent in 2 Wolfenstein Music wav files. They are based on the Mac version. They both last about one minute and are from the intro and first level.

Click here for the download. (1.33Mb)


Wolfenstein Related Soundtracks
Here are some collections of Wolf3D related soundtracks. They were sent in by Mr. Gerolf:

3DO Part 1

3DO Part 2

Macenstein 3d Soundtrack

Spear Of Destiny 1

Spear Of Destiny 2

Wolfenstein 3D Mac

Wolfenstein 3D Part 1

Wolfenstein 3D Part 2

Wolfenstein 3D Part 3

Wolfenstein 3D Part 4

Wolfenstein 3D Part 5

WSJ Totenkopf SDL

Most of the above collections are available elsewhere but it's convenient to have them all together in one place.



Please remember to give credit for anything used.