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::: FORUMS :::
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Wolf3D Haven Forum

San Nicolas Haven (ROTT Forum)

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Poet's Classic Games and Mods Forum

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::: GAMES :::
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Rise of the Triad


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Acord Games Downloads

Wolfenstein goodies.com






::: THE LINKS :::

The 3D Realms Online Store You can buy Wolfenstein 3D and other Apogee related games online here. Also has downloads, a forum, a tech support section and info on the company.

Acord Games Downloads Hosted by Gary Acord. Has a huge number of Dos game downloads, many of them Wolfenstein3D related.

AReyeP's Wolfenstein 3D Download Steve/MCS's new Spear Resurrection and other TC's here. Lots of other info and pics, and a links section.

Beavis and Butthead Download the famous duo's Wolfenstein patch here.

Ben D. Harper's Tour (Of His Mind) Uses Wolf3D graphics. Weird. Extremely so.

Brandon's Source Code Help Center Hints, tips and downloads. In fact, everything you need for editing the Wolf3D source code.

Brandon's Wolfenstein 3-D Page Cheats, hints and stuff, plus a downloads section and a lot of links.

BT Source Code Alternative tutorials page on my other site.

Castle Smurfenstein Home Page Info on this old Apple II game.

CHAOS Software Has info on the group and its add-ons, pics, downloads and links. Also has many coding tutorials like cloud effects and parallax sky. By Philipp Luy.

Codename: Cornucopia A website that has info on Wolfwhip's upcoming addon 'Codename: Cornucopia'. It now has some screenshots.

DaneDog 101's Wolfenstein/S.O.D Page Downloads and pictures.

Darkenstein Darkenstein 1.3 information and download.

Dean's Wolf 3D Blog Hosted by Dean Horton, the links have been updated and now include download links for his mods, a number of reviews, and talking about all things Wolf. WolfForever has now joined the blog which has been renamed as The Wolfenstein 3d Blog. Dean plans to update on Wednesday's with WolfForever updating randomly.

DieHard Wolfers on Areyep.com A Wolf3D Forum for Die Hards.

DieHard Wolfers Wiki Wiki for http://diehardwolfers.areyep.com

Doom Wad Station - Wolfenstein Page Several Wolf3D TC's are featured in detail with reviews and screenshots etc. There's a large number of Wolf3D mod and editor downloads and an OpenGL Wolf section. Part of a very large site mainly dedicated to Doom. Hosted by Bob Larkin.

The Dopefish Club Founded by The X-human.

DOS BoxDOS emulator for PC's. Useful for running DOS games under WinXP/2000 etc.

Eat At Joes Info on a new TC project.

ftp.3dgamers.com Cleaned up version of the old 'Manitoba' archives.

Halls Of Stonehenge Serves as an online manual for his upcoming TC 'Halls Of Stonehenge'. Still in its early stages, it features some cool animated GIFs from the TC and lots of info about enemies, weapons, items, etc. By Majik Monkee.

Havoc's Wolfenstein 3D Page Has screenshots and other info from Havoc's upcoming mod 'Hitler Strikes Back'. There are also links, downloads and contact sections.

Hellbaron's Doom2 and Wolf3-D Lair Features both the games mentioned. Many sections, including downloads, links and lots of other info.

Herc's Super Chokage Page Good page dedicated to Chokage and its own add-ons. Downloads, info, contests, prizes etc.

ID Software's Wolfenstein Page General information and screenshots.

Jennystein 3D Page JennyStein information and downloads.

JPB's Wolf 3D Archive Page JPB has archived gigabytes of Brian's 5 pages as BELOWE.ZIP, BRLOWE.ZIP, BTINTER.ZIP, DOME.ZIP, & GLOBAL.ZIP the way they appeared on 9 May 2014. JPB also has some Wolfenstein 3D mods.

Kurt's Project Wolfenstein Many sections - links, downloads, cheats, music, maps etc. Very well designed.

Larkin's Wolfenstein 3D and SoD Page Info, a lengthy links section, and shareware downloads.


M2 Software Has a lot of Wolf3D related material including info on mods, reviews and sprites. There's also a regularly updated news section and a long list of links.

Madwolf555 His Wolfenstein 3D mods for DOS, SDL, a Wolfenstein 3D level in Quake 3, mp3s, as well as his add-ons for other 3D games.

Maniac's Vault's ECWolf Has a lot of info about the ECWolf 1.3.1 source Port for automapping and extra features. It's for The Tech Demo, Return to Totenhaus, other Wolfenstein 3D mods, and even Super 3D Noah's Ark.

MCS' Coding Tips Part of the AReyeP/MCS site. Has a number of lesser known tutorials.

Moddb.com's Spear of Destiny section & Wolfenstein 3D section Some of these mods are still in the alpha, beta, and demo stages.

Mr. Lowe's Wolfenstein 3-D Page My other Wolf 3D page.

Mr. Lowe's Wolfenstein 3-D Page 1998 How my page used to be, back in March 1998.

My Wolfenstein 3D Page No, it's not mine. It's by Thomas Hubert. Has info, pics and links about his add-ons.

NewWolf - Wolfenstein 3D For OpenGL By DarkOne. Has a new version of 'NewWolf for OpenGL'. Also available are several utilities including 'IMF Tools' (for adding sounds), and a colour palette convertor.

Poet's Wolfenstein Page Info on the game, links, some good screenshots, plus a level creation tutorial. Download Wolf-Extra and The Tower here.

Quazi's Wolfenstein 3D Levels Download 8 sets for Wolfenstein 3D shareware v1.4 here.

RetroBlazer.com The RetroBlazer single player Alpha is a fast-paced, vivid, colorful, free, Quake-clone meets Mega Man X meets a level with a Wolf3D layout and music. There's a Wolf3D Haven thread.

Sam's Wolfenstein 3-D Page Sam's add-ons are promoted here.

Steampowered.com Wolf Pack You can buy the downloads of Wolfenstein 3D, the 3 Spear of Destiny episodes, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein for $14.99, which is less than buying the downloads separately.

Team Raycast Forum Forum with info about coding and Team Raycast mods such as Operation Eisenfaust Origins, Operation Eisenfaust Legacy, & Batman VS. Bane.

Thomas' Mapping Anthology Updated Info for each of Thomas Weiling's 693 levels

Titus II Wolfenstein Page Info, projects and downloads etc.

Valts Wolf 3D & Spear of Destiny Page Info and pics from both games and from RTCW. There are also links and some other sections. Hosted by Valts.

VDMSound Has a free download that allows DOS programs to play sounds on Windows NT/2000/XP.

Vincentius.dk Vincent S's Delphi Wolfenstein 3D Projects are Wolfenmap 2.1 and Wolfenpack 3.8. He also has Wolf 3D mods at quake.htm.

WinWolf3D Hosted by Adam Biser. Has a 'public test' version of WDC (short for Wolf3D Data Compiler). Features most of the same capabilities as FloEdit2.

Wolf 3D Disaster Zone Info on 'The 13th Floor' add-on, plus a lot more.

Wolf 3D Heaven And Hell By Luke Strauman. Now back online at a new url. Has downloads, a new source code sections and links.

Wolf Source The Wolfenstein3D Encyclopedia run for the community, by the community. A very comprehensive site.

Wolf3D Haven Forum A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters. Hosted by Dark_wizzie.

Wolf3D Vault By Adam. Has lots of sections including source code, addons, links, maps etc.

WolfenDOOM Download Doom2 wads, and experience Wolfenstein 3-D with the Doom engine.

Wolfenstein goodies.com Comprehensive site, hosted by Matt Stath. Has a large amount of info on Wolfenstein3D and Doom related material.

Wolfenstein 3D Archive - comprehensive site for both the PC and Mac versions with info, codes, images, links, downloads, and levels.

The Wolfenstein 3d Blog Previously known as Dean's Wolf 3D Blog. Hosted by Dean Horton, the links have been updated and now include download links for his mods, a number of reviews, and talking about all things Wolf. WolfForever has now joined the blog which has been renamed as The Wolfenstein 3d Blog. Dean plans to update on Wednesday's with WolfForever updating randomly.

The Wolfenstein 3D Fan Club Revamp of original Yahoo fan club for Wolf3D.

Wolfenstein 3D News My news archive.

Wolfenstein 3-D FAQ Frequently asked questions, answered by Adam Williamson.

Wolfenstein 5K Makes use of Java. You can play a miniature Wolf3D game online.