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MAY/JUNE 2013 Latest News News Archive

29th June 2013: Den of Evil SDL Released

Here's DTrade's final mod, 'Den of Evil', converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. Spear-based, it's well designed, but difficult to beat. If you like lots of dungeons and pushwalls then you'll enjoy this. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

26th June 2013: Project Wolfgeist SDL Released

Here is the third Possum Trot mod, 'Project Wolfgeist', now in SDL. There are 37 levels that are well decorated though some are not that extensive. There are many changed graphics, changed sounds, many code changes such as gun bobbing, helpart and ceiling/floor textures and a detailed storyline. Andy Nonymous did the SDL coding based on KyleRTCW's DOS EXE. The laboratory areas especially are quite atmospheric. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

23rd June 2013: WarZone IV SDL Released

DTrade's 6th mod 'WarZone Project IV: High Stakes' has been converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. It's fast moving with plenty of action and a lot of pushwalls! Graphics, sounds and source code changes are similar to those in the earlier WarZone projects. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

19th June 2013: Secrets of Offenbach SDL Released

Secrets of Offenbach has been converted to SDL by Havoc. There are 19 levels done by Possum Trot that are mostly quite heavily decorated and there are several graphics and sounds changes though the original Wolf 3D feel remains. Code changes were done by Havoc. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

19th June 2013: Operation Achtliebe SDL Released

Here's the SDL version of the second Possum Trot mod, 'Operation Achtliebe'. The levels are mostly quite extensive, well designed and decorated. There's a mix of original and changed graphics and there are changed sounds. Manual/credits are included. The original game atmosphere remains. Quite an enjoyable set by the young Thomas Weiling. Conversion by Andy Nonymous. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

18th June 2013: DOSBox Emulator Upgrade

DOSBox 0.74 32-bit For Windows emulator had some sort of upgrade on May 9, 2013.

16th June 2013: WarZone III SDL Released

DTrade's fifth mod 'WarZone III: Counterattack' has been converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. As with the earlier Warzone sets, there's graphics and sound changes, lots of action, and a lot of pushwalls. Quite challenging, with several pushwall puzzles to solve. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

10th June 2013: Nazi Operation SDL Released

Here's the SDL version of Thomas Weiling's mod 'Nazi Operation'. It was converted by Havoc. There are 60 seamless levels that are well designed, varied and well decorated. Most were made by Thomas but other contributors' include WLHack, Loki and ack. There's a mix of original and new graphics but the Wolf 3D feel remains. There's also changed sounds and music. Code changes (done by Havoc and Michael Collin) include 4 keys, helpart, new static objects and an ammobox. Overall, it blends together very well. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

10th June 2013: Castle Assault SDL Released

Thomas Weiling's mod Castle Assault has been converted to SDL by Havoc. There are 35 levels (5 of them secret levels) from Thomas, and they are all designed and decorated well. There are mostly original Wolf3D graphics, but there are new bosses from Bruno deo Vergilio. Code changes (done by Havoc and Thomas) include changed ceiling colours, seamless levels, helpart and a new music order. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

8th June 2013: Abandon SDL Released

Here's the SDL version of the first Possum Trot mod, 'Abandon.' It has 50 levels that offer a glimpse into the first mapping attempts from one of today's best mappers, Thomas Weiling. There are many changed graphics and sounds. Combined with the beginner's mapping, these blend together to form a somewhat surreal Wolf3d experience. A credits list is included. Conversion by Andy Nonymous. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

6th June 2013: Normandy D-Day Level

Happy D-Day! Matt has the saved game states with access to The Normandy level in the retail Unreal Tournament.

6th June 2013: Mosaics and Sokoban Mod

Email Matt if you are interested in making some of the maps that are mosaics or Sokoban pushwall levels in ChaosEdit or MapEdit. The Wolf4SDL mod will have Sokoban levels with up to 8 keys. In Sokoban puzzle games, the object is to collect all the keys or coins in a Japanese warehouse, or Mario pushes all of the specific blocks off a cliff to get to the next level. If you want to help make Greek art on the labyrinth walls or change a boss into a minotaur with the cyberdemon’s sounds and rocket launcher, then contact him. Matt wants the game released in 2015.

6th June 2013: Shadow Warrior Reboot Video

The original Shadow Warrior was a Duke Nukem 3D clone from 3D Realms in the 1990s. Shadowwarrior.com has a sneak peek video. Twitter: @_ShadowWarrior.

5th June 2013: Schabbs 2000 SDL Released

Gary Ragland's 'Schabbs 2000' has been converted to SDL by MCS Amsterdam. There are 50 seamless levels, split into several distinct units. (Each unit has a different theme and objective). Mostly modified graphics, with good varied layouts. A classic. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

5th June 2013: Complete Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny MIDIs

Here is a complete collection of Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny tracks in MIDI format. There's a .txt file in the archive that explains where they came from. They were sent in by brainstewx. Available here.

3rd June 2013: When We Dead Awaken III

Paal Olstad tells me that ADH4SDL has been updated to V5.00 with a new episode included, episode 11: When We Dead Awaken III. All features, weapons and enemies from previous episodes are included in episode 11. In addition there are more enemies and the chaingun is back.
The A Doll's House Hint Manual has been updated to cover the latest episode.
Find both downloads
here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

1st June 2013: WarZone II SDL Released

DTrade's fourth mod 'WarZone II: Surprise Attack' has been converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. Fast moving, good levels with lots of pushwalls. Graphics, sounds and source code changes are mostly as in the first Warzone set. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

30th May 2013: SoD Extreme SDL Released

This is SoD Extreme, a mapset of Sod by Team RayCast. It has 21 well made levels by RonWolf and Dean. Each level has been remade with a basically unlimited amount of items and guards (hence the 'Extreme'). Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

28th May 2013: Endlösung SDL Released

Thomas Weiling's 'Endlösung' has been converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. The levels are extensive and well made. There's a mix of original and new graphics and sounds that blend together well and retain the Wolf3D feel. Good selection of music, and a good storyline. The DOS version code changes were by Ronwolf and include changed ceiling colours and episode names. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

25th May 2013: WarZone I SDL Released

DTrade's third mod 'WarZone I: Sudden Strike' has been converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. The ten levels are difficult with a lot of pushwalls to find. Many graphics and other changes. The customary boss and secret levels have been swapped. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

24th May 2013: Iomega Zip and 3.5 in disk data

Matt Stath will clean out and probably move by this time next year. He still has old computers that play Iomega Zip disks and 3.5 inch disks. He wants to copy all of the disk data to the hard drive and burn to DVDs. If you know Matt personally or from the Wolf3D forums, have Zip disks or 3.5 inch disks, and can’t play them, then email him. He’ll copy your Wolf3D or Doom files like saved game states first. He’ll copy data, and either upload it for you to download, or snail mail a data DVD to you. No very strange or controversial files, please.

24th May 2013: Online Wolf3D Deathmatch

Post here if you want to play Wolf3D deathmatch on Saturday night or during this summer.

22nd May 2013: Weltgericht SDL Released

Mega Luigi's and Mario Maniac's 'Weltgericht' has been converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. There are 20 seamless levels that are extensive and well designed/decorated. Virtually all graphics have been changed as have the sounds and music. There are many code changes which include several new enemies, artefacts, extra keys, teleporters, exploding objects, timer display and textured floors/ceilings. It all blends well together. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

22nd May 2013: W.O.L.F. SDL Released

Thomas Weiling's 'W.O.L.F' has been converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. The 60 levels are well made and nicely decorated. Most graphics have not been changed and the original Wolf3D feel remains. The DOS version code changes were made by Dean Horton and include changed ceiling colours and level names displayed at the start of each level. This is a very good set and will especially suit those who prefer the original game. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

20th May 2013: Return to Totenhaus Update

Woolie Wool tells me that Relurn to Totenhaus is an expansion pack for last year's ECWolf Tech Demo in the style of Laz Rojas' Escape from Totenhaus scenario for Mac Wolfenstein. It is set in a large mansion used by the SS as a detention and interrogation facility, and features 9 new maps that are much larger than the tech demo maps, a new weapon in the form of the FG42 automatic rifle, and a paratrooper enemy armed with the FG42. In addition to the new features in Return to Totenhaus, the tech demo itself will be updated with varying light levels per map, blood spurts when enemies are hit by bullets, and a new status bar with room for a 7-digit score.

17th May 2013: Westlake II SDL Released

DTrade's second mod 'Westlake II' has been converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. Like his first, this seven-level set is very fast moving and difficult with lots of pushwalls included. Many new graphics and sounds. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

14th May 2013: The Bitter End SDL Released

Thomas Weiling's 'The Bitter End' has been converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. The 10 seamless levels are designed and decorated very well. The original DOS code changes were made by Dean Horton. There are no graphics changes and the original Wolf3D feel is retained very well. Thomas tells me the game is meant to follow the plot of Episode 3. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

10th May 2013: Assassinate Hitler SDL Released

Gary Ragland's Assassinate Hitler has been converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. 20 well-crafted seamless levels of classic Wolf3d from 1998. Requires the full Wolf3d to play. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

10th May 2013: Assassinate Hitler for ECWolf release

Woolie Wool recently released an ECWolf conversion of Gary Ragland's Assassinate Hitler TC. It requires ECWolf 1.1.1 and unlike the original, also requires registered Wolfenstein 1.4 as none of Wolfenstein's assets are included in the PK3 (which shrinks the filesize to only 84KB). Aside from correcting some presentation bugs, it plays identically to the original. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

3rd May 2013: Westlake I SDL Released

DTrade's first mod 'Westlake I' has been converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. The six-level set is very fast moving and difficult with lots of pushwalls included. Many new graphics and sounds from the John Bucksnort 'Beyond Tobruk' era were used. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Latest News News Archive

Guns And Glory 2 by Little Cherub

Castle Hollehammer by James Shain & Karharis

Planet J by NexJay Studios

The Final Fight 2 by James Shain

Trail Of Schabbs by WLHack

Wolfenstein Forever by Barry Christian

Kenny 2 by Secret Agent Jonathon

Kenny 3 by Secret Agent Jonathon

Secret Agent Jonathon by Secret Agent Jonathon

Hunt For The Desert Fox by WLHack

Medal Of Honor Airborne by PicNic

Elsas-Lothingren by Lozer_42

SonderKommando Revolt by Doomjedi(

SoD Mappack by Valts(

The Mutant Uprising by Team Aardwolf

Kill Him 3 by PicNic

Revenge! by PicNic

Urban Warfare by Shadow

Battlezone 1.5 by jka

F.A.D.E.D. by Ryan de Haast

Operation: Arctic Wolf by Luke Strauman

Monster Bash 3-D by Ryan Steinbruner (

Helvete by ChiefRebelAngel(

SBlaster 3D by Johannes Unser (

Amohs Awamuras by JackaL

Kreml 3D by Martin Krysiak, Dugtrio17, Zach Higgins (




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©2001-2003 Brian Lowe. This site does not deal with nor support Nazism, Neo-Nazism or any other racial discrimination group. Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and related items are © 1992 iD Software, Inc. All other noted products are property of their respective owners. Content may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the maintainers. Best viewed at 800x600+ resolution with Internet Explorer 5.5+. Design, Layout, HTML re-arranging + New Graphics © 2003 The Dome.