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NOV/DEC 2008 Latest News News Archive

29th December 2008: Wolf3D Endgame Released

Here's a new mod sent in by jpb6891. It's called 'Wolf3D Endgame' and the 10 levels are mostly modified original episode one levels. Level 9 is by Valts. As the title suggests, there is at least one boss on each level but also quite a generous amount of ammo and health. There are a few modified graphics but the Wolf3D feel remains. The music order and endart has been changed. Credit should also go to RonWolf who made the new exe (which was originally used in the TA Mapset). Available here.

28th December 2008: Unused Image Pack

Alvin has sent in a pack of unused images and sprites that he no longer uses. They are for general use and includes some weapons, a Boss and a Status Bar. Available here. (499Kb) Please give Alvin credit for anything used.

24th December 2008: Wolfenstein Endgame Sprites

Here's a set of Wolfenstein endgame sprites made by jpb6891. Some are being used in his upcoming mod but are also available for general use. Available here. Please give jpb6891 credit for anything used.

24th December 2008: Absence SDL Version Released

Havoc has released an SDL version of 'Absence'. This means that this excellent mod is now Vista-compatible and the music plays on XP without having to use VDMSound. It's available on Havoc's Wolfenstein 3D Page or here. The DOS version has recently been updated (mapping bug on level 17 fixed) and is available here.

24th December 2008: Maps For Klooni

There are 2 mapsets for Klooni released by Megabyte. Both are very well made. The first is Monthly Maps for Klooni - 3 levels, and the other is Demonoid - 10 levels. Both sets of files need Klooni to play and need to be extracted to the Klooni folder. Also needed to play is either DOOM2.WAD, PLUTONIA.WAD or TNT.WAD from the original Doom II or Final Doom.

23rd December 2008: End Of Destiny Christmas 2008 Christmas Level(s) Released

As promised, Steve has released a new End of Destiny level (or 2? 3???) for this Christmas! So far, I've played a lot of level 1 and it looks quite promising. As with the original EOD game, it requires a lot of thought to beat. It's available on AReyeP and MCS; Wolfenstein3D add ons - Newsdesk. Also available here.

22nd December 2008: Doom: The Movie (Wolfenstein 3D Total Conversion) Trailer 2

Here's a second trailer for 'Doom: The Movie (Wolfenstein 3D Total Conversion)'. It was posted by soldat555. This one has come out quite well.

It's available on You Tube.

21st December 2008: Dome Award - December 2008

The December 2008 Dome award goes to Thomas Weiling for 'W.O.L.F.'. it has very well made levels. Credit also goes to Dean Horton who did the code changes. For more info on this set - please see Add-ons - Awarded.

21st December 2008: Hotel Romanstein Gold Edition (SDL) Released

Mr. Choi has released the final version of 'Hotel Romanstein Gold Edition (SDL)'. Set in a hotel scenario, the 60 levels are extensive and well made. Virtually all graphics and sounds have been replaced and with the new music, it all fits together very well. Available here. Vista-compatible. A DOS patch is available here. Please note that most of the actors are sparingly dressed.

13th December 2008: Wolf 3D TC: Evil Dead Trailer

Here's a trailer for 'Wolf 3D TC: Evil Dead'. It was posted by Darkone1349. Looks like a lot of time and effort was spent on this one.

It's available on You Tube.

13th December 2008: Wolf Related Macintosh Doom 2 Files

I've posted 3 hard-to-find Laz Rojas Macintosh Doom 2 files. They are Amerika The Beautiful, Hitler’s Graveyard and Astrostein 2. The latest addition to the PC section is Operation: Rheingold, Episode 2 - Gestapo Headquarters.

They are available on Add-ons - DOOM2.

13th December 2008: SonderKommando Revolt Screenshots

Doomjedi has released a number of new screenshots from the upcoming 'SonderKommando Revolt' project. There quite a range of interesting scenarios.

9th December 2008: Northern Darkness Game Trailer

Here's a trailer for the Wolf3D mod 'Northern Darkness'. It was posted by Darkone1349.

It's available on You Tube.

8th December 2008: Ghost Tower v1.02 Released

As a special Christmas treat, Paal has released 'Ghost Tower v1.02'. 'Ghost Tower' includes the hard to access third secret level from 'The Tower' upgraded with the engine, features and graphics from 'A Doll's House/Ghosts'. The level is a complete game in its own right and features 6 floors. There's more info and the download at Poet's Ghost Tower page. Also available here.

7th December 2008: Doom2 Conversion Page Updated

I've started updating the Doom2 Conversions page again. The latest entry is the 'Spear Of Destiny' conversion by Laz Rojas.

It's available on Add-ons - DOOM2.

6th December 2008: Koopa Ice Hotel Video

Yet another You Tube video, this one features 'Koopa Ice Hotel' and a Castle Wolfenstein update. It was made by Pouncer26.

It's available on You Tube.

6th December 2008: Castle Wolfenstein - Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Level Video

Here's a You Tube video from Pouncer26 of his 'Mushroom Kingdom Fusion' level from Castle Wolfenstein.

It's available on You Tube.

4th December 2008: W.O.L.F. Released

Thomas Weiling has released a new mod called 'W.O.L.F'. The 60 levels are well made and nicely decorated. Most graphics have not been changed and the original Wolf3D feel remains. Code changes were made by Dean Horton and include changed ceiling colours and level names displayed at the start of each level. This is a very good set and will especially suit those who prefer the original game. Available here. (Updated Dec 5th - E2L2 mapping bug fixed).

27th November 2008: Wolf3D Dome Advertisement Video

Venom Inc. has posted a Wolfenstein3D Dome advertisement video. it features sequences from several well made mods.
It's available on
You Tube.

26th November 2008: New Lego Wolf3D Video

LegoWolf3D has uploaded another video. It's pretty cool for in the Pac-Man level, you actually get a power-up where you get to eat the ghosts.
It's available on
You Tube.

26th November 2008: Hotel Romanstein - Gold Edition Demo (SDL) Released

Mr. Choi has released a demo version of 'Hotel Romanstein - Gold Edition (SDL)'. There are 6 well made levels, the first level of each episode. The style and feel is very similar to the earlier released shareware sets but as this is for the full version, there are more actors and other objects and these are well designed. The new sounds fit in very well. You can view a set of pictures here, but please note that some actors are sparingly dressed. Vista compatible. Available here. The final version will have 60 new levels.

17th November 2008: The Making Of Absence

Havoc has put 'The Making Of Absence' online. It's quite comprehensive and will show you how Absence was developed, and also set out what sorts of things you should consider when creating a game yourself. You can view the online version here.
There's also an offline version at
Havoc's Wolfenstein3D Page. A windows port for Absence (based on Wolf4SDL) will be started soon.

16th November 2008: A Doll's House/Ghosts Hint Manual Available

Paal Olstad tells me that a hint manual is now available for his last 2 mods, 'A Doll's House' and 'Ghosts'.

You can get it from Poet's Hint Manuals.

15th November 2008: Return Of Dragons Released

Venom Games Inc. has released a new mod called 'Return Of Dragons'. There are 60 extensive and well made levels. Most of the graphics and sounds have been changed and the resulting medieval feel is quite effective. The new music is well chosen and fits well. Code changes include new helpart and endart and higher health/ammo limits. Available here.

15th November 2008: ToS/Desert Fox Walls/Sprites Collection

Here's a collection of walls and sprites from ToS and Desert Fox. They were made by WL Hack. Please give credit for anything used. Available here.

5th November 2008: Justin Released

Rampage Games Inc. has released a new mod called 'Justin'. There are 21 levels, some are quite large but others are fairly small. Most of the graphics and sounds have been changed and while it retains some of the Spear feel, it also has its own atmosphere. Some levels need pushwalls opened to complete them. Available here.

Latest News News Archive

Guns And Glory 2 by Little Cherub

Novo Wolf by Thomas Weiling & Dean Horton

Castle Hollehammer by James Shain & Karharis

The Final Fight 2 by James Shain

Trail Of Schabbs by WLHack

Wolfenstein Forever by Barry Christian

Kenny 2 by Secret Agent Jonathon

Kenny 3 by Secret Agent Jonathon

Secret Agent Jonathon by Secret Agent Jonathon

Hunt For The Desert Fox by WLHack

Medal Of Honor Airborne by PicNic

Elsas-Lothingren by Lozer_42

Bones Alert by Eric Lin

SonderKommando Revolt by Doomjedi(

SoD Mappack by Valts(

The Mutant Uprising by Team Aardwolf

Kill Him 3 by PicNic

Revenge! by PicNic

Urban Warfare by Shadow

Battlezone 1.5 by jka

F.A.D.E.D. by Ryan de Haast

Operation: Arctic Wolf by Luke Strauman

Monster Bash 3-D by Ryan Steinbruner (

Helvete by ChiefRebelAngel(

SBlaster 3D by Johannes Unser (

S.K.U.N.K.Z. by Majik Monkee(

Amohs Awamuras by JackaL

Kreml 3D by Martin Krysiak, Dugtrio17, Zach Higgins (

Countdown To Chaos by Majik Monkee (



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©2001-2003 Brian Lowe. This site does not deal with nor support Nazism, Neo-Nazism or any other racial discrimination group. Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and related items are © 1992 iD Software, Inc. All other noted products are property of their respective owners. Content may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the maintainers. Best viewed at 800x600+ resolution with Internet Explorer 5.5+. Design, Layout, HTML re-arranging + New Graphics © 2003 The Dome.