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NOV/DEC 2007 Latest News News Archive

29th December 2007: Build A Mod Contest

James Shain is organizing a 'Build A Mod Contest'.

For more info on this, please check out the thread on the Wolf3D Haven forum here.

29th December 2007: Team Aardwolf Graphics Maker Needed

One of the Team Aardwolf graphics makers will be away for a year and they now need another graphics maker to work on upcoming mods such as 'The Mutant Uprising'.

If anyone wants to help out, please leave a message on Wolf3D Haven Forum.

28th December 2007: Doom: The Movie Released

Joshua Waight has released 'Doom: The Movie'. There are 8 levels that are not that large but are well designed and decorated. The new graphics, sounds and music blend well together and the Doom atmosphere comes across well. Code changes include no loading screen, weapon swaying, enemy toughness changed and new player speed. Available here.

27th December 2007: Doom: The Movie - Info And Pics

Joshua Waight has sent in some info and pics from his upcoming mod 'Doom: The Movie'. It's the latest Wolf3d conversion from Venom Inc. featuring the following code changes and more!!!
*Seamless level progression
*No loading screen
*Weapon swaying
*Enemy toughness changed
*New player speed
The pics are available here.

21st December 2007: Escape From Castle Holle Updated

Dean Horton has released a modified version of 'Escape From Castle Holle'. There are changes to some floor codes, a few holowalls removed, a changed intrart for level 9 and a corrected vgagraph file. Available here. This version replaces the earlier one released Dec 3.

21st December 2007: Running Hotel Romanstein 6: Last Christmas In DOS

Andy Nonymous has sent in an exe that will run 'Hotel Romanstein 6: Last Christmas' in DOS mode. It was created using Chris Chokan's memboost source code, and the details are in the zip's readme.

It's available here.

19th December 2007: Running Hotel Romanstein 5 In DOS

Andy Nonymous has kindly pointed out that there is a package available from Chris Chokan to run 'Hotel Romanstein 5' in DOS mode. It was released in Dec 2005 and is available here. The package has a choice of batch files, DosNew (gives black floors/ceilings), and DosWolf (gives normal floors/ceilings). Please note that it won't run the recently released 'Romanstein 6: Last Christmas' though as this has too many static objects on most levels.

18th/19th December 2007: Hotel Romanstein 6: Last Christmas Screenshots And Release

Here are some pics that Mr. Choi sent in from his mod 'Hotel Romanstein 6: Last Christmas'. The game has now been released and has 10 levels that are very extensive, designed well and heavily decorated. The graphics and sounds fit well and it's ideal for the festive season. Available here. Please note it runs only with DarkOne's NewWolf (exe provided) as most levels have 600 to 800 static objects.

18th December 2007: Hotel Romanstein 5: Return To Hotel Romanstein Released

Mr. Choi has released 'Hotel Romanstein 5: Return To Hotel Romanstein', a shareware set with 10 levels. They are all extensive, well designed and quite heavily decorated at times. The changed graphics and sounds are similar to those in the earlier mods in this series, i.e. lightly dressed actors', good hotel decoration and witty sounds all help to create a fun holiday atmosphere. The game runs with DarkOne's NewWolf. A normal exe is also provided but will not work with some levels, including level 2 (too many static objects). Available here. Hotel Romanstein 6 and 7 mods have also been received and will be posted soon.

16th December 2007: Dome Award - December 2007

This month's Dome award goes to Dean Horton for 'Escape From Castle Holle'. It is an example of very good level design. Credit also goes to Thomas Weiling who made 2 of the levels. For more info on this set - please see Add-ons - Awarded.

16th December 2007: Annotated Version Of The Final Fight

Peter Habel has released an annotated version of the first two episodes of 'The Final Fight'. In addition to saved games at the end of each floor, Peter has also saved the locations of most of the keys, and places where a firearm must be used, such as for Bosses and opponents who are behind barriers. There are also detailed notes on how to complete certain sections of each floor, while using as little ammo as possible. The next installment will be made available once episode 4 is completed, but meanwhile the first part is available here.

9th December 2007: Danger Zone 3 Released

Joe M has released 'Danger Zone 3'. There are 30 levels that vary in size. Some are quite extensive, some are fairly small. Most of the walls, sounds, and some of the objects have been replaced but the Wolf 3D feel is retained quite well. Code changes include seamless levels and new helpart. Available here.

4th December 2007: New End Of Destiny Level

AReyeP and MCS Amsterdam have released a special version of their 'End Of Destiny' mod as a Christmas present. It has a very extensive new first level that is of the same high standard as the other levels in the set. It needs a lot of thought to beat it.

It's available from the AReyeP/MCS News Page. (Dec 2007)

3rd December 2007: Escape From Castle Holle Released

Dean Horton has released 'Escape From Castle Holle'. There are 31 consecutive levels, plus 4 secret and 1 super secret levels, and they are all extensive and well designed/decorated. There's a mix of old and new graphics, plus new sounds and a changed music order. Code changes include a new ammo box, helpart and intermission screens. The gameplay is fast moving as most levels have a lot of guards. It all blends together quite well and keeps the Wolf 3D feel. Available here.

1st December 2007: Wlfnstine: A Totally New Experience!

Being developed by rgamesinc, 'Wlfnstine' is a project to remake the MacWolf engine with more 3d objects (made entirely with basic polygons such as cylinders, blocks, and spheres) and to introduce more types of enemies. A demo is now available here. (6.4Mb)

Check out some screenshots here.

1st December 2007: Cover Of Darkness Released

Liso1 and Mek have released their first add-on. It's called 'Cover Of Darkness' and the 60 levels are mostly extensive and with a wide range of design types. Some of the new walls come from ROTT and most of the new actors', apart from the mutant, come from Image World. There are minor code changes like ceiling colours and increased health and ammo. It all blends together quite well and it retains the Wolf3D atmosphere while having its own distinctive feel too. Available here.

25th November 2007: DWolf Screenshots

'Ilovefoxes' has been working on a port for Wolf3D called 'DWolf' and has sent in a set of 10 pics. Here are some comments from the author: "What I don't like in Wolf is the engine and frame rate, so, here is something I have done (with some inspiration from Wolfendoom) to port it to a better engine (Eduke - Duke Nukem port), copying Doom way to work (gibing deaths, etc) and adding Mac family owns. I think I will use Mac Wolf sounds, they seem to have a correct German, but I can be wrong." - You can see the pics here.

25th November 2007: Munchkins Abandoned TC Updated

Tricob has released a patch for his abandoned TC 'Attack of the Mutant Munchkins of Doom'. The patch includes updated music, corrected credits, and an IMF and Midi file has been added. The patch is available here. The complete zip has also been updated and is available here. To see more info on this mod, please see Sept 27 post.

18th November 2007: Even More MP3's

Here are several more mp3's, extracted from midi's, that were sent in by Jimmy Cozad:
More will be released later.

15th November 2007: Ghosts: A Doll's House Info

Paal Olstad tells me that one of the ideas for his upcoming mod 'Ghosts: A Doll's House' is to have people contribute some levels to it.

If anyone is interested, there's a lot more info here.

15th November 2007: Jemanie Davidsson Unchained Released

Joshua Waight has released 'Jemanie Davidsson Unchained'. The mod has 60 levels that are extensive and well designed/decorated. The use of the guards is particularly good and the action is quite fast moving. Most of the graphics and sounds have been changed and there are many different types of scenarios. Each episode has a different theme. Code changes are many and include helpart/endart and new ammo/health limits. Available here.

6th November 2007: Poet's Classic Games And Mods Forum

Paal Olstad has a Classic Games forum. It's a place to talk about classic PC games, and to discuss and announce add-ons, mods and TCs made for them.

It's at Poet's Classic Games and Mods Forum.

6th November 2007: More MP3's

Here are 3 more mp3's, extracted from midi's. They were sent in by Jimmy Cozad:
More will be released later.

6th November 2007: Jemanie Davidsson Unchained Source Code Released

The source code from 'Jemanie Davidsson Unchained' has been released by Joshua Waight. Among the features included are:.
*Weapon bobbing
*New episode and difficulty names
*Starting Ammo = 16
*Increased toughness on Officers, Mutants, Hans, Hitler, Otto, Gretel, and Fettgeist
*New quit messages
*Max health = 125 and max ammo = 150
*All 60 ceilings are black
*Crosses = 125 points, Chalice = 250 points, Chest = 555 points, Crown = 1000 points
*Flamethrower speed increased to 2000
*Extralife score now at 75,000
*The MLI cheat has a new message
*Robed Hitler harder to kill
*SS always drops Machine Gun
*Full Screen is enabled
*Food gives 15 health, ammo clip gives 12 bullets, used ammo is 6 bullets, dog food gives 3 health.
*Instead of saying "Let's see that again! when the bosses are killed, it says "BOOMSHOCKA!!!"
It's at
Jemanie Davidsson Unchained Source Code.

1st November 2007: The Lost Files: France Demo Released

James Shain and Fireboy224 have released a 5 level demo version of their upcoming mod 'The Lost Files: France'. All levels are extensive and most are designed well, though the final level is a slightly modified creator level but this will not be in the final version. Most of the graphics and sounds come from James' previous mod 'The Final Fight' but they blend in well and the new music also fits in well. New helpart and endart. Available here.

Latest News News Archive

Guns And Glory 2 by Little Cherub

Novo Wolf by Thomas Weiling & Dean Horton

Castle Grom by James Shain & Karharis

Trail Of Schabbs by WLHack

Absence by Havoc

Hunt For The Desert Fox by WLHack

Medal Of Honor Airborne by Wolfenstein3D Fan

Elsas-Lothingren by Lozer_42

Bones Alert by Eric Lin

SonderKommando Revolt by Doomjedi(

SoD Mappack by Valts(

The Mutant Uprising by Team Aardwolf

Nazi Revenge! by Wolfenstein3D Fan

Urban Warfare by Shadow

Battlezone 1.5 by jka

F.A.D.E.D. by Ryan de Haast

Operation: Arctic Wolf by Luke Strauman

Monster Bash 3-D by Ryan Steinbruner (

Helvete by ChiefRebelAngel(

SBlaster 3D by Johannes Unser (

S.K.U.N.K.Z. by Majik Monkee(

Amohs Awamuras by JackaL

Kreml 3D by Martin Krysiak, Dugtrio17, Zach Higgins (

Countdown To Chaos by Majik Monkee (

Ross Williams - character sprites help needed in "Heart of Darkness" project.

Majik Monkee - he needs help with levels and coding in his 'Yodastein' SOD conversion project.

Scott Wells - he needs somebody who will introduce him to Wolfenstein level editing.

Spiritblade - help needed in "Operation: God Hand" with coding and maps.

Ryan King - source code help needed (weapons, signon screen).

3D Arts Software - they are looking for members.

Scheissgeist - if you want to contribute in 'Iraqi Blitzkrieg' project ask this guy!

©2001-2003 Brian Lowe. This site does not deal with nor support Nazism, Neo-Nazism or any other racial discrimination group. Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and related items are © 1992 iD Software, Inc. All other noted products are property of their respective owners. Content may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the maintainers. Best viewed at 800x600+ resolution with Internet Explorer 5.5+. Design, Layout, HTML re-arranging + New Graphics © 2003 The Dome.