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NOV/DEC 2006 Latest News News Archive

30th December 2006: Dome Award - December 2006

This month's Dome award goes to ack for 'Archives - Volume II'. It is an excellent example of a well designed set of maps. For more info on this set - please see Add-ons - Awarded.

28th December 2006: NewWolf & High Resolution Textures

For those interested in NewWolf, Jim W. has updated his website. It has instructions and downloads for an easier way to use NewWolf as well as a large number of high resolution textures.

The site is at Wolf3D High Resolution Textures.

28th December 2006: Archives - Volume II Mapset Released

Ack has released a set of maps for Spear Of Destiny called 'Archives - Volume II'. The 21 levels are all very well made. They are extensive, nicely decorated, fast moving and very atmospheric. Available here. Needs the full Spear Of Destiny game to play.

28th December 2006: New Wolf 3D Midi File

Paco has released a new midi file for Wolf 3D. It's called 'March Wolf Paco' and lasts for 5 mins 29 secs.

It's available here. (44.3Kb)

28th December 2006: Wolfenstein 3D Multiplayer Engine Update

JJ will be needing a Staff Tester for the new Wolfenstein 3d multiplayer engine along with some people to test a new mmorpg.

If anybody is interested please mention it in the shoutbox at the Gideon: Legend Of A Hero Forum.

22nd December 2006: The Lost World Part 5 Updated Version Released

A maps patch has been issued for 'The Lost World Part 5: Tale of the Lost Brotherhood'. It's by Kyo Kusanagi and Mac Mendoza. The patch has updates for levels 17, 33 and 38.

The maps only patch is available here, and the updated full zip is available here.

21st December 2006: Man In Black Sw Released

Dr. Von Loon has released a third addon for shareware called 'Man In Black Sw'. There are 10 quite extensive and mostly action packed levels. Though there are some original Wolf3D graphics, most have a futuristic feel and some that I haven't seen before look very good. Some sounds have been changed too. Available here. Needs either the exe from Wolf3D shareware v1.4 to play (or you can use the Newwolf Opengl port).

21st December 2006: Star Ship Troopers TC For Wolf3d Shareware Review

Bob Larkin tells me that a review has been added to the 'Star Ship Troopers TC For Wolf3d Shareware' page.

It's at Star Ship Troopers TC For Wolf3d Shareware.

15th/21st December 2006: The Lost World Part 5 Released

Kyo Kusanagi and Mac Mendoza have released 'The Lost World Part 5: Tale of the Lost Brotherhood'. There are 40 seamless and quite extensive levels. Virtually all graphics and sounds have been changed. Code changes include 8 weapons, intrart and endart, multi-floor and ceiling textures and shading. Available here. Updated Dec 22 with revised maps..

13th December 2006: Femstein Screenshots

Here's a set of screenshots from the upcoming set 'Femstein'. They are from Doomjedi.

8th December 2006: More Operation Rheingold Screenshots

Here's another set of screenshots sent in by Wolfenstein3D Fan. They are from his upcoming set 'Operation Rheingold'.

8th December 2006: Star Wars: Bloodlines Released

Monkeeworks and BalaurSoft have released 'Star Wars: Bloodlines' and represents their first effort with Adam Biser's Zol engine. This is not a Wolfenstein 3D type TC but a completely different game. It features role-playing as well as being an RPG. There's a lot more info on their moddb.com site at http://bloodlines.moddb.com/,

1st December 2006: End Of Destiny Editor's Version Released

MCS and Steve have released an editor's version of their 'End Of Destiny' TC. Revised map and object files for use with map editor 'Mapedit' have been included. A text file with map creation notes has also been included. It's available from their website at AReyeP & MCS' Wolfenstein 3D Add Ons.

1st December 2006: Horst Wessel Tune

Here's the original version of the Wolfenstein 3D theme tune 'Horst Wessel Song'. It was sent in by J. Cozad who may use it in a future mod. It's available here. (3.50 Mb)

28th November 2006: Two In-game Videos

The webpages for Dr. Von Loon's recently released addons both now feature an in-game video.

They are at Daleks For Wolf3D, and Space Loons For Wolf3D.

24th November 2006: Killer-suit Update

Lwmxynedtodth is working on a new addon called 'Killer-suit: Masterminds'. He has a moddb page for it at killersuit.moddb.com.

Also, our Wolfer Profiles page has recently been updated and now includes lwmxynedtodth's profile. Updated again Nov 28.

18th November 2006: Operation Rheingold Screenshots

Here's a set of screenshots sent in by Wolfenstein3D Fan. They are from his upcoming set 'Operation Rheingold'.

18th November 2006: The Thirteenth Floor Special Edition Update

Matthew Barich has sent in news about 'The Thirteenth Floor: Special Edition':
Floor/ceiling textures, light shading, and full screen mode have been added to TTFSE. They look spectacular. In fact, floor and ceiling textures have been created that are meant to go with the original Wolf3D graphics (you'll get to see what the original Wolf3D might have looked like with floor/ceiling textures.) But yes, many of the graphics will be touched up, and there will be some new graphics. Here are some other facts about TTFSE:
* The full version of TTFSE will have a new mission, The Final Fear. The tagline of this mission is, "What if Hitler had invented nuclear weapons?"
* One new creature in The Final Fear will be a giant spider (inspired by the Megaspider in Armageddon). This spider will be very common in very dark tunnels. You CAN NOT kill this spider, and if you touch it, you die INSTANTLY!
* There will be various random events that will occur from time to time. Also, enemies will, on rare occasions at random, drop special items when killed, like treasure, health, and even keys. If you're lucky enough for an enemy to drop a key, you may be able to bypass areas of a level and/or reach special secret areas!

18th November 2006: Ghost Betrayal Screenshots

Here's the first batch of screenshots from Joshua Waight's 'Ghost Betrayal'.

16th November 2006: Upcoming Wolf3D Addons Announced

Here's news of 2 upcoming addons being made by Joshua Waight.
Intergalactic Marine
It's the distant future and the forces of Earth are in battle with the alien armies of the Zkraax. The Zkraax's armies are pushed back to the 6th planet in the Nomad solar sytem. 10 cybernetic Intergalactic Marines are deployed onto the planet's surface, unknowing of a soon to come ambush or the secret weapon being built by the Zkraax that could change the tides of the war.
The Blazer Forces: Ghost Betrayal
The Blazers have identified a soldier of theirs who has sided with a group of Neo-Nazi terrorists who must be stopped. A young soldier named Jemanie Davidsson (pronounced Gem-an-eye Dave-id-son) has been captured by this enemy during an apprehension mission. NOTE: Ghost Betrayal will also come with a bonus text adventure version of the game.

12th November 2006: Space Loons For Wolf3D SW Released

Dr. Von Loon has released the final version of a new addon called 'Space Loons For Wolf3D Shareware'. The 10 levels are quite extensive. As the title suggests, there's a sci-fi type scenario. Some of the graphics come from Astrostein and AlienWolf, but there's also many new textures, new creatures and new music. It's at Space Loons For Wolf3D Shareware. Needs the Wolf3D exe file from Wolf 3D Shareware v1.4 to play.
A full 60 level version is now also available from the same page.

12th November 2006: Daleks For Wolf3D Shareware Released

Dr. Von Loon has released 'Daleks For Wolf3D Shareware'. There are 10 quite extensive levels. Some original Wolf3D graphics remain but most are either new or from Astrostein. All 3 normal guards have been replaced, 2 of them with Daleks, and the new Dalek sounds are quite effective. It's at Daleks For Wolf3D Shareware. Needs the Wolf3D exe file from Wolf 3D Shareware v1.4 to play.
A full 60 level version is now also available from the same page.

3rd November 2006: ROTT Editing And Modding Forum

Here's a new forum for those interested in 'Rise Of The Triad' (ROTT). It hopes to concentrate on editing and modding, but there are several other sections and will also feature things like addon downloads, links etc.

It's at ROTT: Editing And Modding Forum.

Latest News News Archive

Guns And Glory by Little Cherub, Conner94 and Richard Kelly

Urban Warfare by Shadow

Castle Hasselhoff by Michael Collin(

Space Police: Agent 9 - The End Of Psantu by Ryan de Haast

Operation: Arctic Wolf by Luke Strauman

Monster Bash 3-D by Ryan Steinbruner (

Helvete by ChiefRebelAngel(

SBlaster 3D by Johannes Unser (

S.K.U.N.K.Z. by Majik Monkee(

Amohs Awamuras by JackaL

Kreml 3D by Martin Krysiak, Dugtrio17, Zach Higgins (

Countdown To Chaos by Majik Monkee (

Ross Williams - character sprites help needed in "Heart of Darkness" project.

Majik Monkee - he needs help with levels and coding in his 'Yodastein' SOD conversion project.

Scott Wells - he needs somebody who will introduce him to Wolfenstein level editing.

Spiritblade - help needed in "Operation: God Hand" with coding and maps.

Ryan King - source code help needed (weapons, signon screen).

3D Arts Software - they are looking for members.

Scheissgeist - if you want to contribute in 'Iraqi Blitzkrieg' project ask this guy!

©2001-2003 Brian Lowe. This site does not deal with nor support Nazism, Neo-Nazism or any other racial discrimination group. Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and related items are © 1992 iD Software, Inc. All other noted products are property of their respective owners. Content may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the maintainers. Best viewed at 800x600+ resolution with Internet Explorer 5.5+. Design, Layout, HTML re-arranging + New Graphics © 2003 The Dome.