NOV/DEC 2004 Latest News News Archive

31st December 2004: Orb Of Disarray Update

Richard Kelly's Spear Of Destiny add-on will now be a TC instead. The TC will be called 'Orb of Disarray' until further notice. Richard is still open to other suggestions for a title. Here are the changes that Richard plans to make to the game:

  • Pad-locked doors - You need to get four pieces of a component to open up this type of door
  • Use of the "Robo-Imp" by Ian Summerfield, and the green-suited SS by Mr Wolf
  • New sounds, and Digitized sound effects in the menus
  • New status bar graphics
  • Pictures of the weapons you use
  • 225 maximum ammo capacity
  • New music. Includes music from Duke Nukem II and Biomenace. At least three of the new tunes will be composed by Yours Truly
  • Commentaries on the upper left of the screen.
  • Maybe ... Ceiling and floor textures

There's a couple of screenshots to show the changes made so far. Note that the storyline has one of BJ's enemies put out a reward for our hero's death!

29th December 2004: Operation: Mutant Strike 2 Update

Majik Monkee sent me the following update: "Here is a promotional banner for "Operation: Mutant Strike 2", the nearly completed project by Monkeeworks Software (comprised of Majik Monkee and whichever talented individuals happen to be assisting at the time). The project is nearly finished, and has many new features the first game did not. For those of you not familiar with the original "Operation: Mutant Strike", it can be downloaded here.

Mutant Strike 2 should be completed and ready for release within a few days, though I will be out of town on vacation, so release may be slightly delayed. This project has had some very talented contributors, and should be a very good mod when completed. Full credits will be included with the game when it is released (some contributors wish to remain anonymous until then).

- Majik Monkee -"

29th December 2004: More Project Wolfgeist Pics added

Six more screenshots have been added to Possum Trot's earlier set of pics from his latest addon 'Project Wolfgeist'.

28th December 2004: El Rastro de Stteinger Released

Here's a set of maps I found while browsing through Wolf 3D sites. They're by JDooM and there are 6 levels. They're of a fair size and quite well designed, though not that heavily decorated. No new graphics or sounds. Available here. JDooM has a site written in Spanish, including Wolf 3D, Doom Half Life and Heretic pages, at La Web De JDooM. Needs the full version of Wolfenstein 3D to play.

24th December 2004: Christmas Add-ons

For those wanting a Wolf 3D add-on with a Christmas flavour, not many have been made over the years. However, there are the following available and all are of a high standard:

  • Arielus's Xmas Wolfenstein 3-D Graphics are from Xmas Wolf . The 10 Levels are pretty good and utilize the graphics well. By Ariel Castañares. All files included.
  • The Night After Christmas Only one level, but it's quite a large detailed one with 5 distinct sections. Images come from a variety of sources. By Ringman. All files included.
  • XmasWolf Good modified graphics. Layout and difficulty level are similar in style to the original game. Screenshots available here. By Bantolph and Vorpal. Requires Wolf 3D Shareware 1.4.

Merry Christmas everybody!!

23rd December 2004: New Tutorials Site

Kyle Albert has opened a site on 'Wolfenstein Tutorials'. It is a site that links to some of the greatest, popular, and useful tutorials in the Wolfenstein Community. Credits has been given for the tutorials next to the links.

It's located at Wolfenstein Tutorials.

23rd December 2004: Uber Deutschland Announced

Possum Trot is working on a new addon called 'Uber Deutschland' and will be out some time in 2005.

It's based on Majik Monkee's 'Operation Letzterschutz'.

23rd December 2004: End Of Destiny New Version Released

Following a number of bugs in the original version released Dec 3, AReyeP and MCS have released an updated version of 'End Of Destiny'. There are 26 normal levels, plus a number of secret and challenge levels. The level design is excellent, and virtually all graphics have been changed. Code changes are many and include ceiling/floor textures, weather effects (some levels), a fireball machine, backpack, rocket launcher, mines, pushwall switches, intermission screens etc etc. You can download the updated version of the game at the End Of Destiny site. There's a section dedicated to the game at the DHW Forum.

22nd December 2004: War Storm Alpha Released

Conner94 has released an alpha version of his 'War Storm' set. This version includes 1 finished level, 2 'in progress' levels, and 2 test levels. Although there are currently 5 weapons (soon to be 8) you will only find 1,2,4, and 5. I particularly like the floor/ceiling effects. Available here.You can find more info and other downloads about 'War Storm' at

21st December 2004: Wolfenstein Edit Helper

Here's a help pack that Johnathan sent in called 'Wolfenstein Edit Helper'. It's an alternative way of dealing with changed map and object data when editing maps in Floedit. It has 6 pictures of the data, plus a sample level and help file. Available here.

21st December 2004: More Project Wolfgeist Pics

Possum Trot has sent in several more screenshots from his latest addon 'Project Wolfgeist'.

17th December 2004: Project Wolfgeist Pics

Possum Trot has sent in 2 screenshots from his latest addon 'Project Wolfgeist'.

17th December 2004: S-Blaster 3D Update

NME Software will include the following features in the next 'S-Blaster 3D' beta:

  • A doom-like text label on the screen showing what the player picks up
  • New, perspectively weapon graphics (with crosshair)
  • Random healing power ups
  • Better "slowdown" function when the player ate too much
  • Adding an edited Spear Of Destiny for a special effect
  • Helpart with information about story and enemies
  • And, of course, Episode 5 and 6...

That's it.

17th December 2004: Wolf94 Forums

A new set of forums for Wolf 3D have been started. They're hosted by Conner94 and are dedicated to the legendary game!!

They're at Wolf94 Forums.

13th December 2004: Cat Stein 2 Demo Released

Joshua Moore has released a 5 level demo of 'Cat Stein 2'. The levels are not that extensive but most of the images have been changed and on the whole they are cartoon like. There are some minor code changes such as episode names though the sounds have not been changed yet. Has quite a fun type atmosphere!! Available here.

13th December 2004: New Wolfenstein 3D Site

Here's a new Wolfenstein 3D site maintained by Conner94. There are several sections such as downloads, utilities and links though they're mostly not that detailed yet.

The site is at Conner94's Wolfenstein 3D Site.

12th December 2004: Possum Trot Addons Update

Possum Trot has now made 41 levels in 'OP Achtliebe'. This should be ready for release early in the new year. Meanwhile, Possum has announced a new game called 'Project Wolfgeist'. It will have:

  • One seamless 60-level episode!
  • 4 Keys
  • Floor and Ceiling changes
  • Fullscreen mode

The exe is being done by KyleRTCW. Estimated completion date is Spring 2005.

11th December 2004: Wolfer Spotlight Updated

Our 'Wolfer Spotlight' section has been updated again. The latest entries are Wes Desjardins and Gary Ragland.

It's at Wolfer Spotlight.

10th December 2004: Operation: Nacht Rose Version 2.0 Released

Lucky Foot has released version 2.0 of his 'Operation: Nacht Rose' set which was first released on Aug 28 this year. The levels look the same as in the earlier version (30 levels spread over 5 episodes). Most of the levels are quite extensive, though many have little decoration. Graphics and the changed endart screens are the same too. Code changes now include helpart, changed ceiling colours, menu colours and episode names. The increased ammo/health has been taken out and the cheats no longer work. There's a new title screen too. Text file included. You can get it here. This version replaces the one issued Aug 28.

10th December 2004: Cat Stein 2 - More Pics

Here's quite a number of images that Joshua Moore has sent in from his upcoming set 'Cat Stein 2'. There are weapons, enemies, bosses and items. Also, some screenshots were released Dec 7.

7th December 2004: Resident Evil: Cover Operation Pics

Kyo Kusanagi has sent in several screenshots from his upcoming test mod. It's called 'Resident Evil: Cover Operation'.

7th December 2004: Cat Stein 2 Pics

Here's a set of screenshots sent in by Joshua Moore. They're from the upcoming addon 'Cat Stein 2'.

6th December 2004: War Storm Weapon Images

Conner94 has sent in a number of weapon images (with descriptions), from his upcoming set 'War Storm'. Enemies, bosses and more will soon be on Conner's website at War Storm.

3rd December 2004: Twilight Nazi Chaos Released

DarkJedi188 has sent me his set for the registered Spear Of Destiny game called 'Twilight Nazi Chaos'. It includes 5 new levels that are extensive and well designed. Most graphics are from the original game but there's a minor modification: the SS uniform has been changed from blue to green. This add-on was made several years ago. Available here. Needs the full Spear game to play. DarkJedi188 has a website, featuring various games, at DarkJedi188's Paranormal Asylum.

3rd December 2004: End Of Destiny Released

AReyeP and MCS have released 'End Of Destiny'. There are 26 normal levels, plus a number of secret and challenge levels. The level design is excellent, and virtually all graphics have been changed. Code changes are many and include ceiling/floor textures, weather effects (some levels), a fireball machine, backpack, rocket launcher, mines, pushwall switches, intermission screens etc etc. You can download the game at the End Of Destiny site. There's a section dedicated to the game at the DHW Forum.

3rd December 2004: OMS2 Update

Here's a message from Majik Monkee. It concerns his upcoming set 'OMS2': "Greetings! Here are a couple of screenshots for "Operation: Mutant Strike 2". This will probably be the last of them that get posted, because I don't want to spoil any more of the game. Progress in most regards has gone well, but we are officially looking for help with the maps. We need two more to complete the project, and the design specifications are fairly simple. If you are interested in assisting, please email Majik Monkee at, as I have taken over the level design end of the project. Thanks. (Matt)"

29th November 2004: War Storm Message

Here's a message from Conner94 concerning his upcoming add-on 'War Storm': "I accept anyone to work on the team if they can compile source code, not edit it, but compile it. This will give full access to the project and any help I give to their mods. Thanks. Conner94"

Conner94's email is

28th November 2004: S-Blaster 3D Beta2 Released

NME Software has released a 2nd beta of 'S-Blaster 3D'. Four episodes are now complete and most levels are extensive and well designed. There's many new graphics, sounds and music, plus a number of code changes. These include correct endart, ammo box, heartbeat sound, changed ceiling colours and up to 150 ammo. More than 100 health is allowed but you will 'become fat' and move slower!! The new guard still has some frames unchanged. You can get it here.

28th November 2004: Graphics Contest

GAJ (MINOTAUR) has announced a new graphics contest. Here's the email I received: "I will have a contest in which anyone may participate. Send in all graphics of any robots or machines. They may have floating brains in jars but that's the only human part. You may send more than one but you can only win once so you can't win second and third place for separate graphics.

There are prizes for cool graphics, first place will be all the graphics I have ever made, a phobia list, and a game known as stress relief. Second prize is stress relief. Third is the phobia list. The entrees will be accepted no later than Dec. 18th and the winners will be announced on Dec. 20th.

All entrees will be kept. This contest is only for looks, so as you would imagine I don't need full sets, single frames will be preferred. Remember only robots with brains being the only human part, you may have human-like features but no actual human parts. Please send any entries to"

24th November 2004: Hitler's Evolution Update

Possum Trot's brother Nichilus has started on the graphics for 'Hitler's Evolution'. Schabb's will be changed to a whole new boss, and the mutants, walls, objects and Title Screen will be changed too. Also, Possum Trot tells me that 'Operation Sturmabteilung' addon has been renamed to 'Operation Achtliebe'.

24th November 2004: Dead Reckoning Update

Kev Reid tells me his 'Dead Reckoning' addon has been postponed for now and he is starting a new addon called 'Rusted Renegade'. The main character hails from 'Timesplitters 2'.

21st November 2004: RMK-SOD Demo Released

Richard Kelly has released a demo of his 'RMK-SOD' addon for the full Spear Of Destiny game. There are 2 levels thus far and they are fairly extensive and quite detailed. Some new graphics, but no new sounds yet. Available here. Needs the full Spear Of Destiny game to play. See the enclosed text file for installation details.

Richard hasn't come up with a name for the addon yet so if anyone has a suggestion, please email ARBORPA@YAHOO.COM. The story - Destroying the Angel Of Death has unleashed a curse which upsets the balance of time. Retrieve the black Orb Of Disarray to end the curse.

21st November 2004: Mabus' Homepage

The Mabus' Homepage has a front end for DOSBox 0.63 (which is mentioned in the news item just below). It's called 'D-Fend' and allows you to create and manage 'profiles' which you use to run a game.

It can be downloaded from Mabus' Homepage.

21st November 2004: DOSBox Version 0.63 Released

SourceForge has released version 0.63 of 'DOSBox', a DOS emulator for Windows. My Windows ME computer already plays Wolf3D quite well with the earlier 0.62 version and the new version didn't seem to improve anything for me. There are a number of fixes though that will make it less likely to crash. You can get it at DOS Box. The program to download is 'DOSBox0.63Win32-Installer'. I recently updated my 'Extras' page to include some basic instructions on how to use DOSBox to play Wolf3D games. It's at Extras.

20th November 2004: Warstorm Update

Conner94 tells me he's not going to make 'Stargate', but will make 'Warstorm' instead. So far, 4 weapons and 7 walls are done. Conner has asked for a coder to make floor/ceiling textures. If anyone wants to help out, please email Click on the thumbnail for 7 screenshots of the alpha (all level 1).

19th November 2004: Helvete Update

Here's an email received from The Chief: "TexZK and I have begun to put all of the pieces together, and Helvete will now begin to take form. This is the alpha test title screen, a 'teaser' for anyone who is anticipating the journey deep inside Castle Helvete. TexZK has been working on the source code features list, and I've been busy redoing and completing graphics. I'm using another brand new palette, this one is producing some amazing results. It won't be long now folks, maybe a month or two.....or five : ). - ChiefRebelAngel"

19th November 2004: Ian Summerfield Returns

Ian Summerfield has returned to the world of Wolfenstein after a small tinkering session with Doom. Ian will now be making levels for both games and his next Wolf 3D project will be 'Doom: Project Orion's Belt'. Ian has made 9 levels for Doom. If anyone wants to try any of them, feel free to ask.

17th November 2004: Dome Award - November 2004

This month's Dome award goes to Majik Monkee for his website 'Monkee's Image World'. It has a very large selection of game sprites and has been helpful in the making of several addons. For more info on this site - please see Add-ons - Awarded.

16th November 2004: Operation Sturmabteilung Announced

Possum Trot has announced a new addon called 'Operation Sturmabteilung'. It'll have:

  • New enemies
  • New Bosses
  • New Title Screen
  • New Sounds

It'll be out on spring 2005. Meanwhile, Possum's other addon 'Abandon' should be ready in 2 weeks, and Possum's brother has announced an addon called 'Hitler's Evolution'.

15th November 2004: DOSBox Basic Instructions

As some will already know, DOSBox (latest version 0.62) is a handy free emulator for playing Wolf 3D games with music on newer Windows systems such as WinME and WinXP. I recently updated my 'Extras' page to include some basic instructions on how to use it. It's at Extras.

15th November 2004: Spear Levels Pack

There's been renewed interest lately in the Spear levels contest which was started in Feb 2004 by Gex on the DHW Forums. It's not yet clear if there'll still be a contest but there will be a levels pack released for the full Spear game. So far, 8 levels by Gex and 2 levels by ack have been completed. Some others are being done by De Zeurkous and Otto.

If anyone wants to contribute any levels, the following slots are still available: 2, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 and 20. The levels should fit the original Spear graphics and ceiling colours. There's more info in a thread at the DHW Forums.

14th November 2004: Wolfer Spotlight Updated

A new Wolfer has been added to our 'Wolfer Spotlight' feature. This time it's BJ Rowan. All of BJ Rowan's addons are now listed in chronological order. Once again, many thanks to Andy Nonymous for providing much of the information.

It's at Wolfer Spotlight.

14th November 2004: Help Wanted - Coders

Conner94 has cancelled 'Brutal Death' and is instead making a new game called 'Stargate Sg1 Episode 1: O' Neil'. So far, 25% of the weapons have been done. If anyone wants to help with the coding, please email

9th November 2004: De Zeurkous Levels

De Zeurkous has sent in two zips. The first has an unfinished lost level for the full Wolf 3D. It was originally intended to be used in 'ZW1'. Other people are free to finish it and/or use it in some other project(s) as long as credit is given. Available here.

The second has some Blake Stone 'Aliens Of Gold' levels, never finished but playable. It plays like one big level using teleporters. No elevator here. The first level is almost finished. The other levels are finished in part to enable the player to get items and throw switches needed on the same or other levels. If there's enough positive feedback, De Zeurkous might finish it. Available here.

Also, work has resumed on 'ZW1 Phase 2'. Expect screenshots soon.

9th November 2004: Space-style Addon

James Shain is planning a space-style addon for Wolf 3d and needs a team of people to help out.

If anyone would like to help, please email James at

8th November 2004: Risingstein Manga Drawing

Guillermo Buteler has sent a drawing from his upcoming set 'Risingstein Manga'. It shows the three main bad guys of the comic, Ivana Grosse (the fourth, last, and youngest of the Grosse brothers), Akira Schabbs (Dr. Schabbs' son and man in charge of Japan's Operation Eisenfaust), and Captain Amazake (Japan super-soldier in charge of Schabbs protection).

8th November 2004: Coding Help Needed

Andrew needs help with some coding for his upcoming 'Halo' addon.

If anyone would like to help, please email Andrew at

8th November 2004: Wolfer Spotlight Updated

A new Wolfer has been added to our 'Wolfer Spotlight' feature. This time it's DTrade. All of DTrade's addons are now listed in chronological order. Once again, many thanks to Andy Nonymous for providing much of the information.

It's at Wolfer Spotlight.

6th November 2004: D.O.I. Released

Here's a new 'D.O.I.' mod released by Ueber Wolf. There's one episode of 9 levels, including a secret level. The features include enemies replaced with walking and talking Ignas, different death animations, several new wall textures, and new help/endart. It's available on a website dedicated to the mod at Kill Ignas.

6th November 2004: More Spear Doomsday Screenshots

ZuljinRaynor has sent in another set of screenshots from his upcoming set 'Spear Doomsday'. Click on the thumbnail to see them. Also check out Zuljin's site at ZuljinRaynor's Troll City. Some of the graphics in 'Spear Doomsday' have been borrowed with the permission of AReyeP. These graphics are shown in the screenshots. They originate from the modification: 'Spear Resurrection' by AReyeP and MCS. Used with permission. Go to for more information on'Spear Resurrection'.

5th November 2004: Upcoming Mod: The Fall

"Havoc" N. has sent in details of his upcoming project 'The Fall':

  • It'll be a modification about an accident in a secret complex of the USA
  • The enemies are zombies, mutated scientists and failed lab experiments
  • You are an elite soldier of the US army
  • There'll be realistic weapons: US army Knife, Glock 17, Benelli M4 and M16A1
  • New music, sound and code

For more information about the story, the team (which includes René, JoeWolf, Jackal and Metal Overlord) and the status about the modification, please visit The Fall.

5th November 2004: Risingstein Manga Update

Here's some news from Guillermo Buteler. His next project will be 'Risingstein Manga'. The Synopsis goes this way: After many fruitless efforts to compete with his brother BJ Blazcowicz, Francis Blazcowicz is finally assigned a top-caliber mission in Japan to stop Akira Schabbs (Dr. Schabbs' son) to continue 'Operation: Eisenfaust' in the deepness of the Rising Sun empire.

5th November 2004: MISSION: MEXICO! Episode Names

Rocketboy680 has postponed 'Death of Cartosa' for a while but has released info on his next project 'MISSION: MEXICO!'. Here are the episode names:


  • 1: Desert Lands
  • 2: El Concentration Camp
  • 3: The Mole

MISSION: DIABLO (Expansion Pack):

  • 1: Baron's Chapel
  • 2: The Exorcism
  • 3: Diablo's Den

The enemies will come later.

Latest News News Archive

Dalek War 2087AD by Paul Stone (1,2)

Thunder In Paradise by Carlos X (

King Of The Monsters by Dumscheissekopf (

Death Of Cartosa by Rocketboy680

WW3 - The New Mission by Swp

Kill Him 2 by Wolfenstein 3D Fan (

Cambodia And The Killing Fields by Ryan King

Doom Spear Of Destiny by Ian Summerfield and Mega Luigi

Rise Of Chaos by The Incredible Pete

IT by The Incredible Pete

Operation: Zeitgeist by Steven Trinkl

Nitehorrors 3D by Lane

Project Aniquilation by Mega Luigi

Uber Deutschland by Possum Trot

Slackermod by Slayne

Operation: Chaos by Tier

Operation Dämonisch by Wahsinn Software

Super Blitzkrieg by Hair Machine

Countdown To Chaos by Majik Monkee (

The Punisher by Raistlin (

Scary Haunted Monsters Kastle by Elmer Fud (

Operation: Arctic Wolf by Luke Strauman

Operation: Assassination by Justin (

Orb of Ishkar by Anti-nazi Software (

Way Of The Ninja by Wes Desjardins and WSJ

Coldfusion! by Ian Summerfield

Kurt vs The Master by The Master

Operation: Gott Hand by The Luftwaffe Team

Snoobler Wars by Ross Williams

Debauchery by Amirtes

RESIDENT EVIL R.E.P.R.I.S.E. by Jakub Hieroski

Sewer Town by John Burnett

Wolfback by Sockdude

Kreml 3D by Martin Krysiak, Dugtrio17, Zach Higgins (

Assault on Castle Totenhammer by Joe

Schabbs 6000 by 3D Arts Software

Heart of Darkness by Ross Williams

Project FireStar by Guillermo Buteler (
Project Ironstone by Alex Brosseau (

Mutalix by Ross Williams

Hidden Danger by Zach Higgins (

Iraqi Blitzkrieg by Scheissgeist

Ross Williams - character sprites help needed in "Heart of Darkness" project.

Majik Monkee - he needs help with levels and coding in his 'Yodastein' SOD conversion project.

Scott Wells - he needs somebody who will introduce him to Wolfenstein level editing.

Spiritblade - help needed in "The Luftwaffe" with Adlib sounds, musics and graphics.

Ryan King - source code help needed (weapons, signon screen).

3D Arts Software - they are looking for members.

Scheissgeist - if you want to contribute in 'Iraqi Blitzkrieg' project ask this guy!

©2001-2003 Brian Lowe. This site does not deal with nor support Nazism, Neo-Nazism or any other racial discrimination group. Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and related items are © 1992 iD Software, Inc. All other noted products are property of their respective owners. Content may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the maintainers. Best viewed at 800x600+ resolution with Internet Explorer 5.5+. Design, Layout, HTML re-arranging + New Graphics © 2003 The Dome.