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MAY/JUN 2008 Latest News News Archive

30th June 2008: DOOM2 Conversions Page Updated

I've added another mod to the DOOM2 Conversions page. It's 'Astrostein 2' by Laz Rojas. There are some good effects like destructible lamps, security cameras and plasma conduits.

It's at Add-ons - DOOM2.

25th June 2008: WolfDX Source Code v1.10 Released

Tricob has released v1.10 of the source code for "Wolfenstein 3-D: The Deluxe Edition". The source code changes support the game's new enemy, along with the two new Interactive Objects.

Available here.

23rd June 2008: WolfDX Demo Updated

Tricob tells me the WolfDX demo has been updated with two new interactive objects, a new enemy, an updated Level 2, and a few graphical corrections. Corrections to the brown walls were done by SpriteMaker. Available here. Only the changed files are included. Needs to be played with the WolfDX demo released June 17.

21st June 2008: DOOM2/Wolf3D Conversions Page

I've started a DOOM2/Wolf3D conversions page. The main aim is to eventually list all DOOM2 conversions that have some connection with Wolf3D. There are currently 6 conversions listed. Thanks to Matt Stath for helping out with this new page. It's at Add-ons - DOOM2.

18th June 2008: Resistant Released

Warthower has released a new TC called 'Resistant'. There are 13 new levels of a fair size and they are well designed and decorated. Most of the graphics and sounds have been changed and blend well together and the result is quite a moody medieval type atmosphere. The changed music also blends in well. There are many code changes and include textured floors and ceilings, outside atmosphere (rain, star sky), no score/live system, one new enemy type (a butcher with a retarded AI), destroyable objects (e.g. hanging flesh, pinboards on walls), gun bobbing and a crosshair. Available here. There's a project page (in the German language) at Resistant.

18th June 2008: WolfDX Source Code Released

Tricob has released the source code for v1.00 of "Wolfenstein 3-D: The Deluxe Edition". A brief text file called "WolfDX Src.TXT" is included.

Available here.

17th June 2008: Return To Castle Totienstein Released

Toti has released 'Return To Castle Totienstein'. There are 24 levels, mostly of a fair size. There's a mix of original and changed graphics and sounds but the original Wolf3D feel remains. Source code changes include textured floors and ceilings, increased ammo limit, new endart and a rocket launcher. Available here. Toti tells me he's started work on a new project based on Spear Of Destiny.

17th June 2008: WolfDX - 2 Level Demo Released

The two-level demo of the WolfDX mod is now available to the public. This version uses the Wolf4SDL code, and should have full sound and music in Windows XP, Windows 98, and Windows Vista. It has three replaced tunes, a new Credits screen, lots of hi-res graphics, Hint Bubbles, Interactive Objects, and several other features. The first level of this mod is an update of E1L1 of the Community Map Pack release. Both levels were done by Tricob. Available here.

15th June 2008: Wolf3D Fan Art Posted

Here's a drawing of Hans that was sent in by Piotr M last November. At the time, at 12.3Mb, it was too large to post on my server. However, Matt Stath has since kindly offered to reduce it to under 3Mb thus allowing it to be posted. The size of the drawing has been reduced to help maintain quality. Available here.

10th June 2008: Mac-enstein Second Encounter SDL Version Released

Andy Nonymous has released an SDL version of his 'Mac-enstein Second Encounter' mod. This new version is enhanced by the use of Ripper's Wolf4SDL engine, having improved digitized sounds and higher video resolution, plus a new color palette. It allows the music to be played on Windows ME and XP without the need for DOSBox or VDMSound. It is also Vista compatible. There are 30 well designed and well decorated levels. The graphics, sounds and music fit together well, and give a good emulation of the mac version. This is quite a good set from Andy and will especially suit those who haven't played the mac version before. Text file included. Available here.

10th June 2008: Wolf3D Nintendo VB Box Art/PVB Coding Competition

Here's some box art Dan Szymanski has made for a future Wolf3D Nintendo VB version. Currently, there's a coding competition being held at www.vr32.de, so hopefully somebody will enter a version of Wolf3D for the Nintendo VB.

1st June 2008: Wolfen Fomare Title Screen

Paco has sent in a provisional title screen. It's from his upcoming mod 'Wolfen fomare'.

30th May 2008: Wolf4GW-Based Source Code Of WolfDX Released

Tricob has released the Wolf4GW-based source code of WolfDX. Included is a text file called (Tricob).TXT.

Available here.

28th May 2008: Dome Awards - May 2008

This month's Dome awards go to Raziel for 'Castle Grom', and to KFH Games for 'Klooni'. Both are examples of very good all round mods. For more info on these sets - please see Add-ons - Awarded.

25th May 2008: More Klooni Content

Megabyte from KFH Games has started his own map in a month project for Klooni. He is going to release a new map for his mod each month.

More info on this, and the first map, is available from KFH Games. Needs Klooni v1.2 to play.

25th May 2008: Earth Anomaly - A Klooni Mapset By Serpens

Serpens has made a 10 level mapset for Klooni v1.2. It is called 'Earth Anomaly' and has very well made levels. They fit very well with the Klooni scenarios. Two other episodes of levels are planned. Available here, or KFH Games. Needs Klooni v1.2 to play.

25th May 2008: Klooni v1.2 Released

Codetech and Megabyte have released 'Klooni v1.2'. It is a Doom to Wolf3D conversion that brings as much of the Doom gameplay to Wolf3D as possible. There are 6 episodes and the levels are very well made. Virtually all graphics, sounds and music have been replaced and along with the many code changes, the resulting Doom atmosphere is very realistic indeed. A number of improvements have been made since the previous version was released and are listed in the enclosed text file. Available here, or from KFH Games. Requires either DOOM2.WAD, PLUTONIA.WAD or TNT.WAD from the original Doom II or Final Doom to play.

23rd May 2008: Return Of Dragons Music Pack

Here is the music that Joshua Waight is using for his 'Return Of Dragons' project. All the music was made using midis of the band, Nightwish, Anvil Studio, and DarkOne's IMF Tools Version 2. All songs are in IMF form for easy upload into any Wolf3d project. Available here.

21st May 2008: Catacombs Released

This shareware mod is dated March 2006 though I've not seen it before. It's by Hell Knight and it is called 'Catacombs'. There's only one new level but it's quite extensive and adequately decorated. Most graphics have not been changed though there are new actors' and weapons. No new sounds. Available here.

20th May 2008: Wolf3D Mod Videos On YouTube

Three more videos of Wolf3D mods have been posted on YouTube by James Shain. They are:
The Final Fight Episode 3 Level 1
The Final Fight Episode 5 Level 1
Return To Castle Hollehammer Preview

19th May 2008: The Ordos War Story

James Shain has written a story called 'The Ordos War'. This can be adapted to be used in any project but please give credit if it is used.

Available here.

18th May 2008: Two More Wolf3D Music Tracks

Here are 2 more Wolf3D music tracks. They are based on the Atari Jaguar version and the titles are 'Evil Incarnate' and 'SS Gonna Get You'.

Available here. (716Kb)

14th May 2008: Wolf3D Snes And 3DO  Music Packs

Jimmy Cozad has sent in some links for accessing the following Wolf3D music packs:

Snes Wolf3D Music
Wolf 3DO Music

12th May 2008: Textures Pack Released

AlumiuN has released a pack of more than 50 textures from an abandoned Wolfenstein mod. Also included is a set of 5 sprites for a MP weapon and these are shown in the pics. They are for general use but please give credit for any that are used. Available here.

11th May 2008: Castle Fomarestein New Project

Paco's next project is a mod called 'Castle Fomarestein'. Also working on the project is his cousin Victor. The mod will be partly based on drawings done by Paco.

10th May 2008: More MOHA Screenshots

Wolfenstein3D Fan has sent in another set of pics taken from his upcoming mod 'Medal Of Honor Airborne'.

9th May 2008: Return to Castle Hollehammer Screenshots

Here's a set of 4 screenshots sent in by James Shain. They are from the upcoming mod 'Return To Castle Hollehammer' that James is working on with Raziel.

8th May 2008: Silencer (v2) Demo Released

Here is a working demo of Redeemer's first real mod for the Wolfenstein game. It is called 'Silencer (v2)' and has all new graphics by Redeemer, loads of new levels (mostly by his brother but a few by himself). There are also loads of new sounds, features, and goodies. This demo has one episode of well designed levels but the final version will have 3 episodes. Text file included. Available here.

8th May 2008: Mutants Strike Again Released

Wolfenstein3D Fan has released 'Mutants Strike Again'. Although there's only one small level, it's quite intense and very atmospheric and features several different mutants. The MOHA exe is used and among the changes are textured floors and ceilings. Available here.

8th May 2008: Wolfenstein3D's Sweet Sixteen

To celebrate Wolfenstein3D's recent 16th anniversary (it was on May 5th), 3D Realms has on their news page some pics of a recreation of the episode 3 boss battle done in Lego! Also available is an old piece of video. It's a TV interview from 1992 by Byron Harris for NBR with Scott Miller & George Broussard of Apogee as well as John Romero (then of id ). It's at 3drealms.com.

6th May 2008: MOHA And Other Things

Wolfenstein3D Fan tells me that he has put all the MOHA screenshots in ONE album. It is available here. Also, click on the thumbnail for 5 new screenshots of MOHA. Lastly, he tells me that his upcoming TC 'Nazi Revenge!' has been renamed as 'Revenge!'.

4th May 2008: Castle Grom Released

Raziel has released the original version of 'Castle Grom'. The level design and decoration is done very well and all 8 new levels are very extensive. There's a good mix of Wolf 3D and ROTT graphics and sounds that blend quite nicely together and there is new music that fits well. Code changes include textured floors and ceilings, seamless levels and gun bobbing. Doc file included. Available here.

4th May 2008: Voxelstein 3D v0.101 Demo

Voxelstein 3D is an FPS game inspired by Wolfenstein 3D. The game uses Ken Silverman's VOXLAP engine to render voxels in software. The levels in the game are fully destructible. It's available from FilePlanet but be warned, it's a hefty 28.2Mb.

4th May 2008: They Need Your Help Section

I've taken off the 'They Need Your Help' section that was featured in the right column of the Dome News page as it was rarely updated and all the listings on there were out of date.

I'll reinstate it again if any new 'help wanted' messages are received.

Latest News News Archive

Guns And Glory 2 by Little Cherub

Novo Wolf by Thomas Weiling & Dean Horton

Castle Hollehammer by James Shain & Karharis

The Final Fight 2 by James Shain

Trail Of Schabbs by WLHack

Absence by Havoc

Hunt For The Desert Fox by WLHack

Medal Of Honor Airborne by Wolfenstein3D Fan

Elsas-Lothingren by Lozer_42

Bones Alert by Eric Lin

SonderKommando Revolt by Doomjedi(

SoD Mappack by Valts(

The Mutant Uprising by Team Aardwolf

Revenge! by Wolfenstein3D Fan

Urban Warfare by Shadow

Battlezone 1.5 by jka

F.A.D.E.D. by Ryan de Haast

Operation: Arctic Wolf by Luke Strauman

Monster Bash 3-D by Ryan Steinbruner (

Helvete by ChiefRebelAngel(

SBlaster 3D by Johannes Unser (

S.K.U.N.K.Z. by Majik Monkee(

Amohs Awamuras by JackaL

Kreml 3D by Martin Krysiak, Dugtrio17, Zach Higgins (

Countdown To Chaos by Majik Monkee (

©2001-2003 Brian Lowe. This site does not deal with nor support Nazism, Neo-Nazism or any other racial discrimination group. Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and related items are © 1992 iD Software, Inc. All other noted products are property of their respective owners. Content may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the maintainers. Best viewed at 800x600+ resolution with Internet Explorer 5.5+. Design, Layout, HTML re-arranging + New Graphics © 2003 The Dome.