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MAY/JUN 2005 Latest News News Archive

27th June 2005: Projekt: Vertilgung v1.4

The addons list now has version 1.4 of 'Projekt: Vertilgung' listed and it replaces the earlier 1.3 version. This newer version was previously only available on the Dome News. It has a self extracting exe, and also fixes a missing key bug on the final level.

It's available here.

26th June 2005: Spear Of Dreams Part 2 Screenshots

Kyo Kusanagi has sent in some more screenshots from his upcoming addon 'Spear Of Dreams Part 2'.

25th June 2005: medEvil Screenshots

Dumscheissekopf has released some screenshots from his upcoming addon 'medEvil'. If anyone is interested in assisting with maps for the project, they can either email Dumscheissekopf at samueliams@yahoo.com or Majik Monkee at dhw_majik_monkee@yahoo.com for more info.

24th June 2005: Secrets Of Offenbach Screenshots

Possum Trot has released a number of screenshots. They're from his upcoming addon 'Secrets Of Offenbach'.

23rd June 2005: Mod Announcement

Dumscheissekopf sent me the following email regarding a new mod: "I have begun work on a new project tentatively titled "medEvil". It will be built on the Mutant Strike exe, and have similar features. The game is set in medieval times, and follows your quest to rid the countryside of a powerful vampire and his army of darkness. The game will have about ten levels when completed. Currently, the only person assisting me with the project is Majik Monkee, who is doing some of the graphics. No release date is being set right now."

22nd June 2005: Dome Awards - June 2005

This month's Dome awards go to Havoc for 'Hitler Strikes Back' and to Ryan de Haast for 'Double Trouble'. Both sets have excellent level design and are very well put together. For more info on these sets - please see Add-ons - Awarded.

21st June 2005: Addon Links Restored

A number of dead addon links have recently been restored. Here's a list of those addons now available again:
Erlangen Ken O' Brien (needs Reg Spear)
MegaDemo Flo, of Floedit
NSpear Ken O' Brien (needs Reg Spear)
OP Zusammenkunft Philipp Luy & Andreas Schuler
The addons lists on both sites have now been updated.

19th June 2005: Hitler Strikes Back Released

Havoc has released 'Hitler Strikes Back'. There are 20 seamless levels that are nicely designed and decorated. Most of the graphics are original though there's a new Hitler and there are many code changes. There's increased ammo, new helpart/endart, changed cheats and a no-clipping mode. It can be downloaded from Havoc's Wolfenstein 3D Page. Also available here.

19th June 2005: Another Midi File

Richard Kelly has sent in a midi file of 'The SS Gonna Get You'. Richard used IMF2MIDI to transfer the file to Midi format and then used Anvil Studio to fix the volume controls and get the Trumpet and Tuba channels to sound right. Available here.

19th June 2005: Schabbs 3000 Released

Ling Yan Li has released his first addon called 'Schabbs 3000'. There are 60 levels, plus many new graphics & sounds. There's a lot of source code changes like a rocket launcher with its own ammo type, new static objects, 6 keys, 190 wall tiles, Par times changed for the first 8 levels, Episode list removed, Spear Music, crosshair, Hitler boss split into 2, pools of poison, teleporter, god mode and death artifact, & changed debug parameter. Some of the early levels are based on Gary's 'Schabbs 2000' levels. Available here.

16th June 2005: Two New Midi's

Juan J. Alva-Guerra has made available 2 new midi's. One is from Wolfenstein 3D episodes 1 and 4 levels 4 and 8 titled Suspense. The other is a reworked version of Putting It To The Enemy from Spear of Destiny level 17. Juan is also working on another Wolf 3d track called 'Going After Hitler' and this one is about 10% complete.

13th June 2005: Spear Of Dreams Part 2 Update

Kyo Kusanagi is making a mod called 'Spear of Dreams Part 2: The Return of the Nightmare'. Click on the thumbnail for several screenshots.

12th June 2005: The Thirteenth Floor: Special Edition Beta Released

M. Barich has just released a beta version of 'The Thirteenth Floor: Special Edition', which is a vastly improved version of his Wolf3D add-on 'The Thirteenth Floor' (made back in late 2001). It is stand-alone and Matthew has added some new graphics and many source code changes. There are some unique features added. There are 5 levels, plus one new level (a second secret floor). Available here.

5th June 2005: New Walls Collection

Possum Trot has released a collection of new walls for general use. There are 30 in total and they are in bitmap form, which is useful for Floedit. Available here. Please give credit for any that are used.

31st May 2005: Double Trouble Patch/New Version v0.6 Released

Following requests from some who downloaded the earler 0.5 version of 'Double Trouble', and were concerned about brightness, Ryan de Haast has released a 0.6 version. This allows shading to be turned off where a monitor doesn't show sufficient detail in darker areas. It also has demo files that were missing from the earlier version. Click here for the v0.06 download. For those who've already downloaded v0.5, there's a small patch here.

30th May 2005: Dome Updates

Our Dome links page (and also the old Mr Lowe's page links) have recently had a much needed overhaul. At least 10 deadlinks have been removed and at least 5 new sites added. These are available at Links to Sites.

Also, Andy Nonymous kindly pointed out that the Barry Christian addon 'The Six Depths Of Terrorism' available on the Dome was not the latest version. This has now been replaced as the older version sometimes caused problems going from level 10 to level 11. The newer version 1.2 does not have this problem and it's available from Barry's addon's page at Wolfer Spotlight.

30th May 2005: Double Trouble Released

Ryan de Haast has released 'Double Trouble'. Three years in the making, this TC is a sequel to 'Rising Evil' and has 36 quite extensive and well detailed levels. Four of the levels are secret and another 4 are super secret!! There are lots of changed graphics/sounds and a very long list of source code changes that include gun bobbing, weather effects, textured floors/ceilings, extra actors', helpart, level names on screen, menu changes, exploding barrels etc. etc. Several text files included. Highly recommended!! Click here for the download. Following requests from some players with monitors that don't give sufficient detail in some of the darker areas, Ryan has now added an option to turn off the shading feature (f11). This version replaces the one released May 30.

23rd May 2005: Wolfer Spotlight Updated

Our 'Wolfer Spotlight' section has been updated again. The latest Wolfer to be included is Luke Strauman.

It's at Wolfer Spotlight.

22nd May 2005: New Wolf 3D Site

Havoc has started a new Wolf 3D site. It has screenshots and other info from his upcoming mod 'Hitler Strikes Back'. There are also links, downloads and contact sections.

It's at Havoc's Wolfenstein 3D Page.

22nd May 2005: IOTC 2 Update

Little Cherub has released the title screen for his upcoming mod 'Invasion Of The Cartoons 2'. There's also quite a lengthy Word document enemies list. Available here (1.05Mb).
Enjoy. Expect the world to be overrun with cartoons soon! (probably around Late 2005, October or early 2006, February).

21st May 2005: Name Change

Ian Summerfield will be using the name 'Little Cherub' from now on (play Doom 3 and you''ll know what he means).

All his addons will be listed with the new name.

21st May 2005: Dome Award - May 2005

There will be no Dome Award for this month - May 2005.

For information on previous Dome Awards - please see Add-ons - Awarded.

17th May 2005: Invasion Of The Cartoons Released

Ian Summerfield's latest release is a 36 level addon called 'Invasion Of The Cartoons'. The levels are quite large and heavily detailed and as the title suggests, all the graphics have been changed to cartoon types. There are new sounds too, and doc files describing each episode. The exe is by Mega Luigi. Available here. This version replaces the 6 level demo released March 5.

13th May 2005: Operation: Todesckopf Demo Released

Sandy has released a 2 level demo for Spear called 'Operation: Todesckopf'. Both levels are quite large and well detailed. The first is mainly outdoors and the second is a mix of outdoor/indoor areas. There are various changed graphics but the Wolf3D/Spear feel remains. Credits are listed for WSJ (enemies and walls), Majik Monkee (bosses), and Mirage Interactive (sounds). You can download it here. Needs the 2 audio files from the full Spear Of Destiny game to play.

12th May 2005: Lone Wolf Version 0.86 Released

Denis Gayev has a new 0.86 version of his Lone Wolf Wolf3D exe for WinME/2000/XP users. Among the new features there are more realistic sounds (stereo multichannel mixing), some new keyboard shortcuts and bug fixes. Click here for the exe (WinME/2000/XP). For those interested in the full source, it is available here. A Linux executable (not much tested but Denis said it seems to work) is at http://vixterm.narod.ru/LW086_lin.tgz.

12th May 2005: Atari ST Port Info

Tom P tells me a port of Wolf3d to the 20-year old Atari ST by ray of .tscc is near completion, with the recent release of beta v0.5. It can be downloaded from ray's 16/32 bit atari page. There's a very large amount of info on this page!!

Some other links are:
http://www.dhs.nu/ (scroll down to May 2nd)

12th May 2005: Image World Update

Majik Monkee sent a message regarding his 'Image World' site:"Well, at the moment, the Image World site is officially open, and will continue to be unless otherwise stated. I'd like to extend my appreciation to Spiritblade, who has offered to help maintain and update the Image World, and has been responsible for getting all the most recent updates up on the site! This extra help alone has been a huge weight lifted off me, and will assure that there will be regular updates on the site, even if they're not every day (updating a site every day is a time consuming task, and nobody should be expected to do so). Anyway, that's about it...just wanted to say how glad I am that the site is being updated again, and thank everyone for their patience! - Majik"

Majik's site is at Monkee's Image World.

9th May 2005: New Wolf 3D Site

Possum Trot has opened a new site for Wolf 3D. There's information on a number of Possum's addons and more will be added shortly.

It's at Possum Trot's Wolfenstein Hole.

8th May 2005: Game Warz News

Here's a message from Joshua Moore: " Hi, I am still working on 'Game Warz' but it won’t be updated much because I am working more on editing for Doom and Petz. Any e-mails about Wolf3d may not be responded to until some time when I have got less editing for Doom and Petz. I might post a few sprites on Monkee’s Image World. I am not sure when 'Game Warz' will be done.

When I come back to Wolf editing my next projects will include 'The Pirates of Wolfenstein Sea' and 'Escape from Castle Catenstein'."

8th May 2005: Double Trouble Manual Out

Ryan de Haast tells me the manual for 'Double Trouble' is out and can be found on his site. Also, there is a downloadable version (it's in html format), and 'Double Trouble' will be released at the end of the month. Ryan's site is at Wolfenstein Cabin.

5th May 2005: Wilwolf 3D Released

Wil Sas has released a new addon called 'Wilwolf 3D'. There are 60 levels and though they were made with Creator, many have since been modified. There are many changed graphics, some from Spear Lost Episodes and some from elsewhere. Very few original graphics remain but it all blends quite well together and keeps the original Wolf 3D feel. Lots of new sounds and music. Some basic source code changes. Available here.

5th May 2005: Goldeneye 64 Weapon Pics

Here's a set of 3 weapon pics from the upcoming set 'Goldeneye 64'. They were sent in by Andrew.

4th May 2005: Monkee's Image World Update

Majik Monkee sent the following email concerning his 'Image World' site: "Due to a brief break in my crazy schedule, the Image World will be open for submissions temporarily during the week of May 9th through May 13th. I will be a bit flexible about the submission quantity rules during this time, but please don't send more than two or three per day. Hopefully as time goes on I'll have more of these breaks where I can open the site to user-made graphics, and eventually keep it open all the time again. Thanks for your support and your patience!"

Majik's site is at Monkee's Image World.

1st May 2005: New Wolf Source Site

Deathshead has made a new Wolf 3D site. There are many coding tutorials, a new exe available for download (allows for extra guards, objects and doors for mappers), and reviews of addons. Quite a good site!!

It's at Wolf Source.

1st May 2005: Dead Reckoning Pics/Info

Kev Reid has sent in a set of pics for his upcoming set 'Dead Reckoning'. A lot has been added since the last update, including light shading, textured flats, crosshairs, 7 weapons with unique drawbacks, gun bobbing and hi-res graphics.

Latest News News Archive

Dalek War 2087AD by Paul Stone (1,2)

Thunder In Paradise by Carlos X (

Operation Todpfad by KyleRTCW

King Of The Monsters by Dumscheissekopf (

Death Of Cartosa by Rocketboy680

WW3 - The New Mission by Swp

Cambodia And The Killing Fields by Ryan King

Doom Spear Of Destiny by Little Cherub and Mega Luigi

Rise Of Chaos by The Incredible Pete

IT by The Incredible Pete

Operation: Zeitgeist by Steven Trinkl

Nitehorrors 3D by Lane

Project Aniquilation by Mega Luigi

Slackermod by Slayne

Operation: Chaos by Tier

Operation Dämonisch by Wahsinn Software

Super Blitzkrieg by Hair Machine

Countdown To Chaos by Majik Monkee (

The Punisher by Raistlin (

Scary Haunted Monsters Kastle by Elmer Fud (

Operation: Arctic Wolf by Luke Strauman

Operation: Assassination by Justin (

Orb of Ishkar by Anti-nazi Software (

Way Of The Ninja by Wes Desjardins and WSJ

Doom Universal Tour by Little Cherub

Kurt vs The Master by The Master

Operation: Gott Hand by The Luftwaffe Team

Snoobler Wars by Ross Williams

Debauchery by Amirtes

RESIDENT EVIL R.E.P.R.I.S.E. by Jakub Hieroski

Sewer Town by John Burnett

Wolfback by Sockdude

Kreml 3D by Martin Krysiak, Dugtrio17, Zach Higgins (

Assault on Castle Totenhammer by Joe

Schabbs 6000 by 3D Arts Software

Heart of Darkness by Ross Williams

Project FireStar by Guillermo Buteler (
Project Ironstone by Alex Brosseau (

Mutalix by Ross Williams

Hidden Danger by Zach Higgins (

Iraqi Blitzkrieg by Scheissgeist

Ross Williams - character sprites help needed in "Heart of Darkness" project.

Majik Monkee - he needs help with levels and coding in his 'Yodastein' SOD conversion project.

Scott Wells - he needs somebody who will introduce him to Wolfenstein level editing.

Spiritblade - help needed in "Operation: God Hand" with coding and maps.

Ryan King - source code help needed (weapons, signon screen).

3D Arts Software - they are looking for members.

Scheissgeist - if you want to contribute in 'Iraqi Blitzkrieg' project ask this guy!

©2001-2003 Brian Lowe. This site does not deal with nor support Nazism, Neo-Nazism or any other racial discrimination group. Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and related items are © 1992 iD Software, Inc. All other noted products are property of their respective owners. Content may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the maintainers. Best viewed at 800x600+ resolution with Internet Explorer 5.5+. Design, Layout, HTML re-arranging + New Graphics © 2003 The Dome.