Code Editing Tutorials
Recoloring the Screen Border

In this tutorial you're going to learn how to change the screen border color. I'd like to thank Brian Rowan for the basic tutorial of this. You could say that this is HIS tutorial, I only pointed out where to find the lines necessary. This tutorial is especially written for people who are creating new status bars(like me). Ready? GO!

There are 4 different values that can be set independently: The screen background color on the "Get Psyched!" screen(defined in WL_INTER.C), the border color while you're playing(defined in WL_GAME.C and WL_MENU.H) and the Intermission border color(defined in WL_INTER.C).

Since the colors of the VWB_Bar are not using the normal palette but a decimal palette index, use the following colors if you'd like(for the brighter ones, just enter the color you'd like to use, minus 1 or more) and try to be creative with this. Just make sure it fits with your status bar, that's really important!  

Dark grey 29
Light blue
Dark blue
Dark red
Dark brown 221
Purplish blue 174

Step 1. Open up WL_GAME.C and do a search for "DrawPlayBorderSides". Now you’ll see this:





= DrawPlayBorderSides


= To fix window overwrites





void DrawPlayBorderSides (void)


         int      xl,yl;


         xl = 160-viewwidth/2;

         yl = (200-STATUSLINES-viewheight)/2;


         VWB_Bar (0,0,xl-1,200-STATUSLINES,127);

         VWB_Bar (xl+viewwidth+1,0,xl-2,200-STATUSLINES,127);


         VWB_Vlin (yl-1,yl+viewheight,xl-1,0);

         VWB_Vlin (yl-1,yl+viewheight,xl+viewwidth,125);




Now, for example, to use a grey border, use this:





= DrawPlayBorderSides


= To fix window overwrites





void DrawPlayBorderSides (void)


         int      xl,yl;


         xl = 160-viewwidth/2;

         yl = (200-STATUSLINES-viewheight)/2;


        VWB_Bar (0,0,xl-1,200-STATUSLINES,29);

        VWB_Bar (xl+viewwidth+1,0,xl-2,200-STATUSLINES,29);


        VWB_Vlin (yl-1,yl+viewheight,xl-1,0);

        VWB_Vlin (yl-1,yl+viewheight,xl+viewwidth,29);



Step 2. We now need to draw the play border itself. Do a search for "DrawPlayBorder". There you see:





= DrawPlayBorder





void DrawPlayBorder (void)


         int      xl,yl;


         VWB_Bar (0,0,320,200-STATUSLINES,127);


         xl = 160-viewwidth/2;

         yl = (200-STATUSLINES-viewheight)/2;

         VWB_Bar (xl,yl,viewwidth,viewheight,0);


         VWB_Hlin (xl-1,xl+viewwidth,yl-1,0);

         VWB_Hlin (xl-1,xl+viewwidth,yl+viewheight,125);

         VWB_Vlin (yl-1,yl+viewheight,xl-1,0);

         VWB_Vlin (yl-1,yl+viewheight,xl+viewwidth,125);

         VWB_Plot (xl-1,yl+viewheight,124);



Now, for example, to use a grey border, use this:





= DrawPlayBorder





void DrawPlayBorder (void)


         int      xl,yl;


        VWB_Bar (0,0,320,200-STATUSLINES,29);


         xl = 160-viewwidth/2;

         yl = (200-STATUSLINES-viewheight)/2;

        VWB_Bar (xl,yl,viewwidth,viewheight,0);


        VWB_Hlin (xl-1,xl+viewwidth,yl-1,28);

        VWB_Hlin (xl-1,xl+viewwidth,yl+viewheight,28);

        VWB_Vlin (yl-1,yl+viewheight,xl-1,28);

        VWB_Vlin (yl-1,yl+viewheight,xl+viewwidth,28);

        VWB_Plot (xl-1,yl+viewheight,28);



See? It's not that hard. Now, you can just experiment a bit with this. Now, compile WL_GAME.C and close it. It's time to change both the Intermission screen and the "Get Psyched!" screen in one blow, OK?


Step 3. Open up WL_INTER.C and do a search for ,127. Each time you find this, you should see:


VWB_Bar (0,0,320,200-STATUSLINES,127);


Then simply change the 127 with another color. Make sure it matches the color you used in WL_GAME.C(or not, whatever you want)!


Step 4. Save and compile WL_INTER.C .


However, we still need to tell the menu that the bottom of the statusbar's space is also the color we had in WL_GAME.C.

Step 5. Open up WL_MENU.H and do a search for VIEWCOLOR. then you should see:


#define VIEWCOLOR       0x7d


Step 6. Change that to the EXACT color you used in WL_GAME.C and save.

Step 7. Compile all edited files and link it all up. Now you have:


A re-colored border;

A re-colored intermission screen;

A re-colored "Get Psyched!" screen.


Again, this tutorial isn't really mine. I just edited it so that you can find all stuff you need quickly. However, credits go mostly to Brian Rowan. Thanks a million Brian, without you I would never have found it. I mean it.


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