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News Archive


MAY - JUN 2002

JUNE 2002

June 30: Spear Desktop Theme
Kuki sent me a Spear Desktop Theme package. There are several available for Wolf3D but this is the first I've seen for the sequel (or more correctly - prequel), and it looks pretty good. Anyways, you can get it
here and it'll be added to our extras page soon.

Wolfenstein Cabin Is Back
Ryan de Haast's
Wolfenstein Cabin site is now back online. Here's the affiliate button and logo...

Wolfenstein Cabin - Affiliate Button

Wolfenstein Cabin - Site Logo

June 29: Hitler's Worst Hour Released
Third in a series of map sets by Patrick Grey, this one has five new levels on episode five. Again, there's a lot of narrow passages and the levels are not that large but what's there is done OK. You can get it
here. Needs the registered set to play.

June 2002 Dome Award Announced
The June 2002 Dome Award goes to A. Acquinucus for
Ragnarok. Although there's no new graphics or source code changes, the quality of the levels are very good. Needs the registered set to play.

June 27: Wolf 3D: Zero Hour Beta Released
Martin Krysiak has asked me to make available his
Zero Hour Beta. Please check it out if you wish and report any comments or bugs to Martin at muad.dib1@wp.pl. Details of the new TC were announced yesterday, but I've since played far more of it and I find the level design and the new walls impressive. There are some secret area floorcode errors but Martin will fix these in the next version.

June 26: SpearMP Released
These 21 maps for the full Spear set date from 1994 but I've not seen them before. The author is Mike Pascale and are very well designed. Similar in style to the originals. You can download it
here. Needs the full 'Spear' to play.

Sodmet12 Released
This is far more difficult than 'SpearMP'  also released today. It's similar in style at times but there are more bosses and keys are often well hidden in secret areas. There are 12 normal levels, plus 2 secret ones. I'm not sure who made them all, but the first 4 were done by Butch Nordstrom though they've since been modified. You can download it
here. Needs the full 'Spear' to play.

New Site
Cory Carr has a new Wolf3D site called
Over The Wall. It looks well designed and has a lot of sections including game history, maps, and photos. RTCW is also featured.

Wolf 3D: Zero Hour Beta
Martin Krysiak sent me the following info about his upcoming TC 'Wolf 3D: Zero Hour'.

"Once again, you are B.J. Blazkowicz, and you have to destroy the German sect known as Teutonic Knights. Here is list of features (for BETA version):

  • 12 new levels
  • New boss: Trans Grosse
  • New enemy: Sect Member
  • Changed visual look of Officer and weapons
  • Added armour
  • Added jamming chainguns
  • Changes in "Vgagraph" file
  • New menu
  • Changed strength of opponents
  • Changed musics, ceiling colours
  • New textures
  • Land mines
  • New help art / end art
  • New demos
  • Added new item: weapons crate
  • Changed value of treasury

But this is only a BETA!"

Thanks Martin for all that info. Looking forward to checking out the beta!

Operation 88 Pic
Fredrik S. released the following pic from his upcoming TC 'Operation 88'. You can see more pics at Fredrik's site
Blastfire Entertainment.

June 25: Trickstein (v1.0) Released
Another set of levels from Patrick Grey and, as the title suggests, there are a lot of trick effects this time. There are five new levels on episode four, including a very hard to find secret level. Lots of pushwalls and narrow passages. No new graphics or sounds. You can download it
here. Needs the registered set to play.

June 23: The Nuremburg Projects Released
An extremely difficult set which Sam Feichter put together in 24 hours. The 60 levels were made using the creator program and there are a number of imported graphics and a new title screen (shown below). There are many bosses on every level though there's a lot of ammo/health too. You can download it

The Final Solution (v3.0) Source Code Released
Parafriction has released the source code for 'The Final Solution (v3.0)'. You can get it
here. Please remember to mention it in the credits if you use it.

June 22: Wolf Reborn Updated
Zach has sent me an updated version of
Wolf Reborn. This is an alternative set of graphics and sounds for the full version which is ideal for map sets that don't come with new vswap/audio files. Some of the changes in this version are a new status bar, updated graphics (including giving the SS his original cap) and a new, extensive readme (.doc). The map sets are not supplied. I used my own Wolfbel2 maps and they came out well - the original atmosphere is still there.

Spearmpixsod Released
This set of maps made in 1998 are for the full Spear by 'MP Entertainment' (Maarten Pinxten and his brother Roel). There are 21 levels and all are of a high standard. The first looks the same as Maarten's 'MpSodLev' but others are different. You can download it
here. Requires the full 'Spear' to play.

Gorenstein 2 Update & Title Screen
Sam Feichter sent me the following news update and title screen for 'Gorenstein 2':

Gorenstein 2 Title Screen"Hey all! Sam again. I have the new title screen done. I like it a lot. Also, I am redoing a lot of GFX. New Josef Hitler planned. Awesome GFX. Episode 2 upgrade starting.

That is all.

Sam". Thanks Sam for the info, click on the pic for a larger version.

Project Verdammt Demo Added
James Ingham's one level demo of 'Project Verdammt' from May 2001 has finally been added to our add-ons lists! Although it was on the Easyspace server, the only link to it was from a news item when first released. Thanks to Zach for pointing this out. For those unfamiliar with the demo, it has a number of new features such as increased health/ammo/lives and two chainguns. As the main purpose of the demo is to show the chainguns, the level design is fairly basic (though the opening scene looks pretty neat). You can download it

Hitler's Resurrection (v1.0) Released
Patrick Grey's first set of maps for Wolf3D. There are 5 levels, including the secret one. What's there is done OK but apart from the first level they are pretty small. No new sounds or graphics but will suit those who like the original game, especially with the short download time (filesize is only 4.22Kb). Needs the registered set to play.

You can download it here.

ps - this Patrick Grey is not the one who made 'Hitler's Maze Of Death'. (There's a slight difference in the surname anyway but I thought I'd better point this out to avoid any confusion).

June 20: Project: Weltuntergang Patch
Kuki sent me a patch for his 'Project: Weltuntergang' TC. It fixes a bug in e3l3 which had too many objects. The full version available on this site has also been updated. Download the patch
here. Full version here.

The Final Solution (v3.0) Posted
Jack Ryerson has pointed out that Parafriction's later version (v3.0) of 'The Final Solution' was not available on the Dome. Thanks Jack, this has now been posted and you can get it
here. I'll update the add-ons page soon. This version has 20 well designed levels and many are different from those in the earlier version. The new music, extra graphics and effects are pretty good too!

Sam Update
Sam Feichter sent me the following update concerning 'Gorenstein 2':

"Alrighty here's the news: Gorenstein 2 has been started up again. The Klobb is being replaced by the Moonraker Laser Omega. So, the weapon list is: Knife, 9mm rifle, Moonraker Laser Beta, Moonraker Laser Omega. Working on stuff right now. That is all.


June 14: Ragnarok Released
This set of maps called 'Ragnarok' has been released by A. Acquinucus and contains 30 new levels (though the first level has a lot of the original one in it). They are quite extensive and of a high standard. There are no new graphics and sounds but those who like the original set will find this pretty good. Ignore the orange sky in the pic - I used a different exe to play it! Needs the registered set to play.

You can download Ragnarok here.

June 12: Wolfenstein 3D Forums
Just to remind everyone that the forums are now at Chad's site. I've just changed the links on the main Dome pages and will try to get to them all changed within a few days. The link is
Wolfenstein Forums. The old forums are at Original Wolfenstein Forums, but as these are now obsolete please post on the new ones.

June 11: Sam Feichter Is Back
After a break from the Wolf3D scene, Sam Feichter is back! Here's an email I received from Sam today:


Gore 2 will have no new source, although I will keep it so you can play it without Wolf. And, when the source is finished, then Gore 2 Special Edition will be released. Also, go to my site to see my new comix and the first official FWWA (Fort Wayne Wrestling Association) site!


Thanks Sam for the info. The new comix and FWWA is on Sam Feichter's Site.

June 9: Operation: 911 Removed
This set is no longer available on the 'Dome' after complaints from Luke Strauman that most of it was taken from one of his sets without permission. There was also a complaint about 'Crap3D' (which used Op 911 as a base) though this wasn't available on our servers.

June 8: Gottspear Update
Bobby Bucksnort tells me Harry Sr. is co-authoring the Wolf version of the set as it will feature levels done by him. There'll be music cuts from Metallica for some of the Boss levels! Here's the titlescreen.

On a different note, Bobby's The Mutant Co. website now features 'DoomWeb'. Many editing programs and wads can be downloaded from there.

June 5: New Site
Here's news of another Wolf3D site. It's by Nirvanaron and has the lengthy title of
Nirvanaron1985's Super Cool Site of Coolness!!.

Another Haunted House Update
Here's another update on the progress of 'Haunted House' - sent in by Codetech:

  • New levels, now 13 of them in total
  • Sourcecode changes

Accepted beta testers are as following (in no specific order):

  • James Ingham
  • "Jaap"
  • Matt Dadi
  • Zach Higgins
  • Ryan Steinbruner
  • "Nirvanaron"

NO MORE beta testers will be accepted, so don't bother to e-mail me about that, however if you have ideas/suggestions/bug reports send them to me at: tommi.aijala@luukku.com. (Please don't comment about the shotgun reloading anymore!)

- Codetech

Raw Meat Update
Ryan Steinbruner tells me a patch for 'Raw Meat' is almost ready. It will add:

  • 3 New Levels!
  • A load of new graphics!
  • New VSWAP and VGAGRAPH etc...

Ryan also gave me the following award, which will be a new monthly feature on his Gamers World Wide website.


Thanks Ryan. Click on the pic to see it full size.

Wolf Awards 2002
You can now vote for the Wolf Awards 2002. They're at
http://verdammt.ionichost.com/wolfawards02.php. Thanks to James for the info on this.

June 4: Guild Of Darkness Released
Tetraarchangel has released the first stage of 'Guild Of Darkness'. There are ten levels, some with very large rooms. The level four maze with a seemingly endless number of doors is quite effective. There's a number of new graphics and source code changes. The speed of the actors' has been massively increased and there's a health/ammo maximum of 999. There's a manual (with the storyline etc included) which is well presented.

You can download it here. It's also available from the Guild Of Darkness Website.

Reinstaad Final Version Released
There are eleven levels in this action packed final version of 'Reinstaad' for Spear from Bobby Bucksnort. All are very well designed and there's also many graphics/source code changes. Don't bump into the 'For Wimps Only' sign or you'll get Ubermutants galore! You can download it from
here, or from Bobby's site at The Mutant Co.. The full version of Spear is required as Bobby has left out the audio files for copyright reasons.

June 2: Haunted House Progress Report
Codetech has sent the following info about progress on 'Haunted House':

  • There are now 8 levels
  • Many new walls and objects
  • Lots of source changes, and some bug fixes (If you find any TELL ME)

Accepted beta testers are (Not in any specific order):

  • James Ingham
  • "Jaap"
  • Matt Dadi
  • I asked Zach, but he hasn't confirmed yet.

Those interested in beta testing, email me at: tommi.aijala@luukku.com. Those who get accepted, will be notified later.

The beta testers will be mentioned in the readme file, with their name/alias. Beta testers have to finish the game and report us any bugs they might encounter, more on this one later.

We'll take 6 at MOST, SO HURRY UP!

- Codetech

Dome Award Pic
Ripper kindly pointed out that the blue pixels inside the case didn't look too good. I've now 'cleaned up' the award pic and those on the Dome pages have now been updated. Hope they now look better.

MAY 2002

May 31: Raw Meat Released
Ryan Steinbruner has released 'Raw Meat'. There's some nice graphics but only two levels (the first is a large maze). Here's a pic I made...

You can download it here.

'Three New Sets' Update
Kenny Roels has released 'stand-alone' versions of his three sets released May 27. All three zips on the Dome server have now been updated.

May Dome Awards Announced
Well, I guess we just made it in time this month. Due to the large number of contenders, we've decided to give out three awards this time. They are

  • Gary Ragland - for his TC 'Countdown To Disaster'
  • Chaos Software - for their tutorial 'Directional 3D Sprites'
  • Harry Mass Senior - for his TC 'Berlin Express'

May 27: The Fear Of Magic II (New Version) Released
There are now 20 new levels (episodes 1 and 6) in this new version of 'The Fear Of Magic II' by Fredrik S. There are bug fixes, new sprites and wall images, new music, changed ceiling colours and other code changes! You can download the new version
here. Fredrik asks if more people can visit the forum or vote at the mini poll. You can find them at Blastfire Entertainment.

New Site
William Bruso is new to the Wolf3D editing community and has just got a site up and running. Not everything is working yet but there's already news and pics about William's upcoming TC 'Operation Liberty', plus source code and links sections. It's called
Will's Wolf 3-D Site.

Three New Sets Released
Kenny Roels has three new sets on his site. All 3 have well designed levels. There are many new and imported graphics too. (Credit is given where other peoples graphics have been used.) All 3 sets are now 'stand-alone' and don't need the registered set to play. Here's Kenny's description of the sets:

Wolfenken 34 levels, Butt-Kicking features, new pulsating sound effects and graphics.

Dark Dungeon I 45 large butt-kicking levels, Super intelligence features. New never heard pulsating sound effects and graphics. New bosses and new guards. New objects.

Dark Dungeon II the sequel to Dark Dungeon I, 40 large levels with even more changed graphics, sounds, bosses and objects.

All these files can be downloaded at Kenny's Wolfenstein Page too - the download time seems to be OK now. It's worthwhile checking out the site anyways because there's a number of screenshots and other good stuff.

May 25: Guystrik Released
Guy Brys has released an add-on for 'Planet Strike'. It's called 'Guystrik'. You can get it from
Guy's Home Page. (Click on 'Game Fun' and then 'Blake and Guy Stone'.)

Bobby Bucksnort Updates
Firstly, 'Reinstaad: Final Version' is to be released this weekend. Secondly, Bobby has teamed up with Harry Mass Senior for 'Mutantstein
5: Gottspear'. It is a remake of John Bucksnort''s set with new graphics and source code work and updated to the full version from the shareware. Twelve new levels have already been completed in addition to the 6 original ones. It will have a seamless level progression, a changed music order and the "Spear" ceiling colour order for the levels.. a total of 30 levels is planned. Release date is sometime in July. Finally, Bobby tells me The Mutant Co. has settled in it's new home... it's at http://themutantco.cjb.net.

The Mutant Co. Ltd.

Get Wolfy Music Released
'Get Wolfy' is a hip-hop style track with converted original sounds from the game. By Fredrik Stjernholm . It's in ace format (Wolface will convert it to mp3). You can download it

New Tutorial Added
A new tutorial by Codetech has been added to our
Coding Basics section. It's about 'Making a Basic prequel between levels'.

May 19: Wacky Stein 3D Released
Steven L. Pappas has released Wacky Stein 3D. This has been on Steven's hard drive for 3 years and it later developed into 'Cuetips Revenge' but this is the original set. Only the first level has been changed but there are a number of new graphics and title screen changes. You can get it

James Ingham Site Url Change
James Ingham sent me the following email regarding his new site url:

"Due to problems with the connection to Multimania, I've turned to a new host. Therefore a new site, and URL. It's at http://verdammt.ionichost.com/. It's under construction, but there's lots up already - including lots of reviews, and source code tutorials written by myself. The Wolfenstein Awards 2002 nominations list is up, and you can find a link to that in my frames on the site."

Thanks James for the above info. I've just got news that James email is now at jamez_ingham@msn.com. Hope the new site url works out. Brian.

May 18: Hospitalstein 3D Released
This shareware set by Steven L. Pappas is 5 years old. Has lots of vivid graphics but only 2 levels (the first and the Boss) have been changed. You can get it
here. All files included.

Directional 3D Sprites Tutorial Released
Ripper sent me the following email:

"I have good news for the Wolfenstein 3D community: We just released our "Directional 3D sprites" tutorial! This feature will make it possible to generate REAL transparent fences and much more! Just have a look at CHAOS Software ! You won't regret it ;)


May 17: The Dark Plan Update
Kuki and his
younger brother Macior are making an addon called "The Dark Plan", in which you'll have to fight nazi scientist Herman Eiskalt and his army of robots. It'll have 20 new maps and some new graphics, but no source changes. Kuki is doing the graphics work and Macior is making the maps. Here's a screenshot.

May 15: Haunted House Demo Released
Codetech and Megabyte have released 'Haunted House Demo'. Although it uses the Wolf3D Engine, it's packed with new features such as reloadable weapons and an inventory and looks like a new game. Here's a pic I made.

You can download it here.

The Fear Of Magic II Released
Fredrik S. has released 'The Fear Of Magic II'. There are 15 new levels, plus many new pics/sprites, and sounds. You can download it
here. You can read about the storyline (and see more pics), at Blastfire Entertainment.


May 13: Help Required
Here's an email from Ryan Steinbruner, who needs help with his upcoming add-on 'Raw Meat':

"Hey, I really want to finish Raw Meat, but I need someone to do the maps for me! Maybe even the source code!

If anyone can help out, that would be great! Just e-mail me at wolf3d_boy@yahoo.com.

Thanks. Ryan."

May 12: Berlin Express Released
Harry Mass Senior has released 'Berlin Express'. It has six new levels, plus many graphics and source code changes. The train station and carriage scenes are quite effective!! A very good set. Download it

MCS Coding Tips Updated
MCS has updated his coding tips page - the following tutorials have been added:

  • Seamless level progression (improved version)
  • Adding a teleporter
  • Making enemies pick up bonus items
  • Adding Robert's Jukebox to your menu

You can access it from the AreyeP/MCS Site at MCS' Coding Tips.

May 11: Double Trouble Update
Here's an update on the features that are appearing in Ryan de Haast's upcoming add-on "Double Trouble":

  • Spear of Destiny engine
  • 21 New levels
  • New Graphics
  • New Bosses
  • New Weapons (Dagger, Luger, Machine Gun, M2, TM2, Rocket launcher)
  • 6 New keys
  • Explodable objects
  • Collapsable columns
  • New Enemies (Area Drone Clone; Forest Troops)
  • Timed God mode artifact
  • New doors with their own door frames
  • Much more...

JJStein - Act III Released
JJ has released 'JJStein - Act III. There are 5 new levels and some more new graphics. Hans Grosse appears on most levels. It plays with shareware version 1.4, but all files are included. You can download it

May 6: Dome Forums Moved
Due to complaints about the number of ads on the old Forums, Chad has kindly let us transfer to his site. You can access it

Sorcerers Wrath Restarted
Here's an email from Luke Strauman:

"Hey all, for all of you out there I just wanted to say that today I have restarted Sorcerers Wrath... thats right Area 51 is almost done I would say not even 2 months and it will be done.

Sorcerers Wrath has been started today so don't fret cause it will be released."

May 5: Operation Murder Hitler Pics
Kyle has sent me a set of 4 pics from his upcoming set 'Operation Murder Hitler'.

You can see the complete set here.

The Fear Of Magic Released
This new 9 level TC is by Fredrik S. The levels are well designed and there are some nice graphics. The game has a medieval feel to it - sort of like in 'The Heretic'. Here's Fredrik's description "
Instead, of being the usual wolf 3d addons that has to do with WWII, this is a Heretic/Hexen type of a game! You are in the old middle ages, as you fight your way forward, and being attacked by skeletons, wolves, warlocks, and zombies...! Use your weapons; the knife, the fire magic, the light magic, and the wizard wand!"

You can download it here. Fredrik has a website at Blastfire Entertainment.

Wolfenstein3D Archive/New Maps
I found this site on Google and has a lot of info on both Wolf3D and RTCW. There are sections for the PC and Mac. There are 2 single level maps available for the PC which I've not seen elsewhere. 'Maze' is a fairly large level, but has a number of 'guards in a trance' if you enter one area by a pushwall. Apart from that it's a good level if you like mazes. The second map is 'Hell' - it's nicely done but not that large. Read the enclosed text file regarding setting up the maps. The full version of Wolf3D is required for both map sets.

Wolfenstein 3D Archive - comprehensive site for both the PC and Mac versions with info, codes, images, links, downloads, and levels.

Wolfer Of The Decade Award
Today is Wolf3D's tenth birthday and to celebrate, Jack Ryerson has given an award to me for services to the game. Thanks Jack, it's appreciated.

You can read more about the award on Jack's WOLF-3D PAGE.

Projekt Vertilgung Update
Zach Higgins sent me the following update on
Projekt Vertilgung:

"The only things left to do in Projekt Vertilgung is ONE level, a few graphics here and there to clean up, some sounds (under control now), some bug corrections, and music. About the music I don't really need new music necessarily but just a new order. I'm pretty sure James can do that but my sound doesn't work for Wolf so I don't know exactly what all the music sounds like. If someone would send me or tell me a site to get all the tracks in Wolf3D (and SOD would be nice) so I can listen to them and decide I would be greatly obliged (not mentioning credit in the uh....credits :-P). I should be releasing PV BETA to the beta testers soon."

Thanks Zach for the above info.

Wolf3D Topsy Turvy
Here's yet another set of graphics from Fred Kenny. This time the actors and gems have been swopped around. There's also some new wall designs. The maps supplied are from Wolfbel3. You can download it
here. Requires the full Wolf3D to play.

APR 2002

April 30: Berlin Express Pics
Harry Mass Senior's next TC will be called 'Berlin Express'. Many of the levels have already been completed and there's a lot of very good effects added. Here's a pic from the opening level.

There are more pics here.

April 29: Challenger 3D New Website
This new website is by John Lewandowski and is dedicated to his upcoming set 'Challenger 3D'. There is a trial (one new level) version available. You can access the site

April 28: Coding Basics Section Updated
Two new items have been added to the
Coding Basics page. They were submitted by Kyle and are 'Changing the speed of the Fake Hitler Flame Thrower' and 'How to get no score if you use debug cheats'.

More Pathways Into Darkness Info
Here's some more features added to the upcoming TC 'Pathways Into Darkness'.

  • 4 keys
  • Land mines
  • A NEW THING THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN IN WOLF3D... AN INVISIBILITY ITEM!!! (That's right when you get this the bad guys can't see you.)

Wolfbat Released
Fred Kenny has released another set of graphics for his WolfUSA set of levels (the new levels are on episode three, but all other episodes have some alterations done by Fred, particularly episode one). As the title suggests, there are bats - they seem to be everywhere and come in many sizes. There are also many new vivid wall designs and some other object changes. You can download it
here. Requires the full Wolf3D to play.


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