I'd like to announce, on behalf of "The Incredible Pete", a new project...it's called "Return to Density" (no, that's not a typo...it really is "Density"). Here's some brief info and some enemies from the game...
Years after WWII, the evil Tapa De la Zanahoria began a horrible cloning operation, using blood left behind by BJ on his previous missions to clone a dastardly army of evil BJ's. On top of it all, he tried to have his agents steal the Spear of Destiny, which he thought was being kept in BJ's home. Luckily, what they wound up stealing was just a junky old toy spear BJ's father had made for him that BJ had kept for years, and they failed to discover the mistake until it was too late. Now, angered by the intrusion into his home and the blatant cloning of himself without his permission, BJ is determined to infiltrate Carba Coja, their Mexican stronghold, and put an end to Tapa De la Zanahoria once and for all.
Clone BJ - The basic troops of Tapa De la Zanahoria, these foes were created from drops of BJ's blood left behind during other missions. They were created with the belief that since the original BJ kicked a lot of butt, an army of him should be unstoppable.
Secret Service - These guys are the best of the best...however good that happens to be. They are tougher than the BJ clones, and no less determined to supply BJ with a new orifice wherever they can.
Carba Coja Security - These guys are much better trained than your average mall security guard. On top of that, they aren't afraid to shoot anyone who sticks their nose where it doesn't belong. Unfortunately, they are also trained to tell the real BJ from the fake ones wandering Carba Coja. Too bad for BJ!
"X" Mutant - These things are made from revived corpses with chainguns mounted on their chests. They don't have arms or mouths, because...well...what does a walking corpse need arms or a mouth for? Unfortunately, that means the only thing BJ will hear from them will be the crack of their chainguns when they try to mow him down.
Super Clone BJ - Well, the best way to describe this guy is that he's a BJ clone, but he's quite a bit bigger and a whole lot tougher. The good news for the real BJ is that they're not quite as smart as he is, but they can still win in a firefight if he's not careful.
B.O.B. - BOB is a large, armored, unfriendly robotic security guard, designed to discourage intruders from sneaking into Carba Coja. It's not designed to be reasoned with, so the only language it will understand from BJ is the sound of shots being exchanged. Hopefully BJ will be the last one standing afterward.
"Large" Sgt. Grecko - It's hard to describe the "large sarge" without using foul language. He's the leader of the Carba Coja secret service, and he's not a nice guy, to either friend or foe. He'll be eager to abuse BJ in any way possible, should he manage to run into the Sarge...that is assuming his own men don't shoot him first.
Tapa De la Zanahoria - The leader of the BJ cloning operation and ruler of Carba Coja. His friends (which he has very few of) call him "Carrot Top", but only the brave would do so to his face. He fancies himself a great leader, and considered his attempt to steal the Spear of Destiny the final phase in his plan for domination. BJ must wipe him out and rid the world of his evil and crazy plans.
Majik Monkee