OK, this tutorial will teach you how to make
good enemy sprites in Wolf3d without using many colours and still looking
Keep in mind that it’s easy to draw this way,
but still requires a lot of practice and patience.
You can use any paint program you’re comfortable
1) Start by defining what type of enemy you want to make, is he going to be
a soldier, a cowboy, a gangster?
you’re good at drawing in paper, maybe you can make a sketch to guide you
through the rest of the process, if not, at least keep a good mental image of
how he should look like.
a big fan of Steven Seagal (his earlier movies though) so that’s why I’ll make
him an enemy in this tutorial.
a look at the finished sprite:
Does it look like him? For a Wolf3d sprite I guess so
(Ponytail included J).
2) Now define the sprite’s general appearance:
can draw only half and then copy and invert it thus giving symmetry to the
model (=good thing).
The clothes in one colour, and the skin in other. (If
you want you can use more colours)
3) Let’s pass on to the real colours the sprite will wear:
that you need the Wolf3d palette
chose the colours Steven Seagal wears in his films (black jacket and light blue
jeans). Now paint your ‘red’ model with the new colours.
Starting to look good? Not yet, but just wait.
4) Time to add shadows and lights:
is the trickiest part and requires a lot of attention:
Better, huh?
how I modified his arms. This is because he’s not a guard and making him stand
firmly with his arms parallel to his body would have looked incorrect.
Close up
generally use four colours for clothes. The darkest one for details and to
separate torso from arms, one leg from the other etc.
I use the others to apply shades.
are not straight lines but more ‘random’ ones so to give the appearance of
Compare the pants in both pictures, see the
5) You think clothes were hard, well skin is harder.
has to use more colours to look right. It would be a shame to ruin your sprite
with just a plain colour skin.
start out with base colours:
Yeah, I know it looks funny.
apply some expression to his face.
tell you a little trick, by painting darker squares above his eyes you can
define his mood.
See? Squares on top and to the inner side and he looks
really angry.
And yeah, I know it still looks funny.
applying colours (can’t really help you there, it takes practice) until it
looks something like this:
Now he looks fine.
your creation should look like this:
my case I didn’t like his legs much, so I spread them a little bit. So it
looked more natural:
Here’s our sprite in its finished form.
are some other samples of sprites I made:
Eastwood fan? Or Lee Van Cleef’s? He’ll be back
Soldier ‘Sanitarium
Hope you liked this tutorial and sorry for my
‘funny’ English. I’ll try to make a 1st person weapons tutorial in
the future.
Oh and:
don’t use these images for any projects without asking me first.